Anima Mundi

Christian - Non-Fiction
182 Pages
Reviewed on 09/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

Anima Mundi by Mikhail Kelnikov is two Christian theology books in one, with a look at the question of existence through a critique of atheistic and theistic perspectives. He argues that existence relies on space, time, matter, and consciousness, with consciousness being distinct from matter. Kelnikov tells readers that reason reveals a higher will as the cause of reality, challenging both eternal universe concepts and simplistic religious interpretations. He integrates Kantian philosophy and critiques Darwinian ideas. Kelnikov describes the universe's evolution from a primordial absolute to a finite state, balancing expansion and collapse. He questions atheistic explanations for the universe's origin, speaks on the problem of evil, and contrasts biblical and atheistic views on suffering and divine justice. Throughout, Kelnikov emphasizes Christ's sacrifice as the key to redemption and argues a higher cause beyond mere randomness.

Mikhail Kelnikov’s Anima Mundi is a really interesting read and a rock-solid contribution to the debate on existence and reality. The work is rigorously researched, with Kelnikov's writing style making it uniquely accessible. I appreciated that some of the more challenging concepts, like the nature of consciousness and divine causation, were both comfortable and engaging. I found the perspectives to be sharp and well-reasoned with a great deal of fresh insights into areas like the limits of empirical science and the flaws in traditional religious arguments. By integrating exceptional balance, Kelnikov delivers arguments that invite readers to reconsider their understanding, or at least what they may have been taught. Overall, this is a thought-provoking read and will definitely resonate with readers who are interested in the intersection of philosophy, theology, science, and cosmology. Very highly recommended.