Answers for Curious Kids

Where Every Question Sparks an Adventure!

Children - Educational
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/20/2024
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Author Biography

Hi, I'm Robyn Connelly! I live in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia with my husband—just the two of us enjoying life together.

My goal for this book was to encourage children to be curious and ask questions without feeling like they're in a classroom. I hoped it would spark quality conversations with family during road trips or holidays. I love interesting trivia and fun facts, but I wanted my book to stand out, so I wrote it from a child's perspective as a story.

I've always dreamed of writing children's books, and now that dream has come true. My mind is full of stories, and my soul loves to laugh—I hope you feel that in my books.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Antoinette Wessels for Readers' Favorite

Answers for Curious Kids: Where Every Question Sparks an Adventure!, written by Robyn Connelly and illustrated by Tamar Bluaaw, is an exciting children’s book for curious young minds. It tells the story of Kade, a nine-year-old boy who asks many questions and wonders how different things work. Youngsters will learn things like how planes fly and why we must sleep. They will even understand why plants grow. The pictures make this book even better for reading before bedtime, but be aware that it might keep kids awake with all the fun facts they have just learned. Easy-to-read sentences ensure that children just starting to read will be able to read, understand, and enjoy it. If your little one is full of questions and interested in the world around them, then this book is definitely for them.

Robyn Connelly and Tamar Bluaaw make a dream team in putting together this excellent children’s book, Answers for Curious Kids. The lovely illustrations and the exciting facts written so charmingly make this a book I enjoyed very much. As an adult, I have learned a few things I was unaware of. I would definitely recommend this to any parent with a toddler or child who is at that age where they ask questions about everything. They will not only learn many things but will also enjoy reading it. Robyn Connelly has written this book like a story, making it even more enjoyable because kids will learn a few things without knowing it. Once my little one starts asking questions, I will read this book to her. This is a really delightful read, one I can’t wait to share with my own children.

Annyta Priest

I read this lovely colourful book to my grandkids tonight. They are 4 & 1 and they loved it. Of course i had to read it more than once!
Love it! Great book Robyn