Arise and Shine

From Mourning to Dancing

Non-Fiction - Memoir
60 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The loss of a loved one can evoke feelings of deep-seated sorrow and dread, and, sometimes, it even threatens to overwhelm us to the extent that we cannot function properly in our lives. In Arise and Shine: From Mourning to Dancing, Peggy Pulliam shares her own story of loss, grief, and mourning and how she managed to come through with her faith in God. Peggy has suffered the loss of loved ones from a young age, starting with the drowning of her cousin to the passing of her aunts, uncles, and eventually her mother and father. She turned to the Bible and God to process her grief, beginning a transformative journey of healing following the teachings of Jesus that took her toward the path of finding fulfillment and joy once again.

Using prayers and psalms, Peggy Pulliam offers readers an illuminating memoir/self-help handbook to help them conquer their sorrows and navigate grief through faith. The author encourages readers to learn to be a soothing presence in the lives of others who may need it. According to Pulliam, expressing one's grief helps a person deal with their sorrow, and every person takes their own time to process grief. In this book, Pulliam shares personal anecdotes, journal entries, and biblical stories to help readers find the right tools to begin their own transformative journey. A few months after her father's passing, Pulliam listened to Seasons Change by United Pursuit and was deeply moved by it. She attributes her finding joy in life again to her utter devotion to God and the teachings of the Bible. In conclusion, I found Arise and Shine to be a very inspirational memoir. Highly recommended.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

After the Holy Spirit urged her to write a book, Peggy Pulliam compiled her thoughts and feelings about grief into her book, Arise and Shine. While keeping God central in her story, Pulliam relates her journey through grief as she hopes to help others find ways to process their emotions. The author acknowledges that grief is different for everyone and encourages self-care and a continued connection with God. She provides gentle reminders about what the Bible says about grief while relating lessons she's learned and including prayers at the end of each section. While urging people to work on their feelings one day at a time, the author communicates the tools she uses as she moves through the stages of grief.

Peggy Pulliam's book will open a conversation about grief and help people feel better about mentioning where they are in the process. The pages are full of scriptural affirmations to help you through your challenging days as Pulliam urges you to call on God to help you through troubling times. I have a running dialogue with God, and I continued to reach out to Him after my mother's recent passing. The author seems to operate the same way, and it made me feel less alone. I found it beautiful that a phrase her mother said to her every morning and scripture was the inspiration for the book's title. Pulliam's experiences, peaceful pictures, and prayers were comforting to me after my loss. Readers who look to the Lord as a source of their strength and hope to find reassurance during their grieving process will benefit from reading the devotions in Arise and Shine.

Philip Van Heusen

Everyone takes the journey of grief at some point in their lives. In Arise and Shine: From Mourning to Dancing, Peggy Pulliam lets readers know that we all grieve in our own way, and there is no “right way” or “wrong way” to grieve. If we allow God to make our grief good, then grief is a great teacher. It may not be the teacher you choose, but grief can still teach us many lessons about ourselves and the love our Father has for us. Peggy shares her journeys through grief and how God was an ever-present help in her time of need. She advises us to share our pain with someone compassionate who will allow us to take our time grieving. No one has the right to tell you how you are supposed to grieve, how long it should take, and to "just get over it." This is a great book to give someone grieving or about to go through grief.

I spent over forty years counseling families, which included helping them work through grief. I wish Arise and Shine by Peggy Pulliam had been available for me to share with grieving people. Peggy seems to understand grief and how each individual has a unique way of dealing with all the nuances of death and grieving. It is important to realize that this book will not just help someone who is grieving because of death but from the loss of anything. Loss causes grief. In Peggy’s simple and honest style, she shares that we are “beings,” not “doings,” and must learn to be present for others. Peggy shares two major pieces of advice: do not be ashamed to grieve and allow yourself all the time you need to grieve. Throughout this book, Peggy uses the Scriptures to back up her words. She is spot-on with her advice, and I highly recommend this book. This is one of the best books I have ever read on grieving.

Diana Lopez

The loss of a loved one is a challenging experience. However, grief also allows us to learn about ourselves and life. This process has a variety of intense emotions that are sometimes difficult to assimilate. Peggy Pulliam shares her experiences of grief and studies related to faith in God to help us find the right perspective. First, she establishes what grief involves and expresses her feelings about it. Then, she describes the losses she has experienced, her emotions, and what she has learned from them. Peggy also shares Bible passages that have helped her and suggests helpful activities such as writing or listening to worship music. Arise and Shine addresses grief and sadness but also guides you toward prayer and inner peace.

Peggy Pulliam's anecdotes are heartwarming. The narrative is clear and focused on reflecting emotions, which makes it easy to empathize with the events. The story about losing her mother shocked me. I admire her honesty because she expresses grief without fear, just as it is. She talks about death, anguish, and illness and how to face them and be able to appreciate life. Her writing style is natural and comforting, keeping her focus on God. She discusses details that people sometimes avoid mentioning, such as when you don't feel comfortable with others and nothing seems to encourage you. I liked how she explained why you shouldn't ignore your feelings and the importance of taking a moment when necessary. She also shares practical tips for us to remember to enjoy the simple things in life. Arise and Shine will give you the confidence to open your heart to God.

Zahid Sheikh

Arise and Shine: From Mourning to Dancing by Peggy Pulliam is a deep and touching reflection on the process of coping with loss and transition. The memoir narrates Pulliam’s own loss stories and thus provides comfort and encouragement to anyone going through grief. Pulliam narrates the process of turning mourning into dancing, sheds light on spirituality, and offers practical guidelines. This book is a true-life account of the resilience of the human spirit and is a guide on how to turn sorrow into hope. With faith, acceptance, resilience, and hope, Pulliam’s story prompts the reader to embrace the pain, draw strength from religion, and journey to a place of healing and happiness.

Peggy Pulliam’s Arise and Shine is inspirational and close to the heart. Years ago, I lost my grandfather, who was very close to me. I could relate to the author as she opened up about her life and experiences, and I wish there had been a book like this available at that time. The author effectively combines reminiscences with spiritual thoughts as a story to give the reader moral and uplifting thoughts. Her ability to convey complex emotions with clarity and grace makes Arise and Shine an inspirational read for those who are searching for hope after the devastating and tragic loss of a loved one. The wisdom shared at each juncture of the memoir makes it helpful for readers to feel hope and feel close to Pulliam. Arise and Shine: From Mourning to Dancing is a moving memoir that provides solace and advice to those who are grieving.