Ashes Ashes the Twins Fall Down

Twin Towers, 9/11

Non-Fiction - Memoir
124 Pages
Reviewed on 08/02/2012
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Author Biography

Pauline L. Hawkins was born in Munson Army Hospital at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, on Easter Sunday. As her mother says, “Pauline chose to enter the world in the middle of a tornado, and she has been going strong ever since.”

Pauline and her two adult sons currently reside in Texas, where she has been in the health insurance industry for almost thirty years, working her way up from the mailroom to corporate management and claims payment. In 2002, Pauline received her Instructional Design certification that allows her to create instructor-led and learner-paced training curriculums along with computer-based learning activities and website creation. She has enjoyed this new opportunity to exercise her creativity, and because she has enjoyed writing since she was in high school, Pauline has now decided to start sharing her stories.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristie Ingerto for Readers' Favorite

"Ashes Ashes the Twins Fall Down: Twin Towers, 9/11," is a memoir written by Pauline L. Hawkins that takes each of the readers back to that Tuesday morning when life changed drastically for Americans. Hawkins shares her own experiences from this event and the details of where she was and how she handled hearing the news throughout the day of the attacks. Intermingled in this are details from the attacks, quotes from the president and information about the events that spread throughout America on that day and the days following. Not only does Hawkins address the events of 9/11, she also discusses terrorism, who bin Laden was, fear of flying after the attacks, the cleanup and future plans for Ground Zero and the impact this day has had on America.

This book is such a therapeutic read that I highly recommend it to everyone! It is so personal as the author shares her feelings, and own experiences with regard to the events of 9/11; but it is also filled with so much more as she has done her research and added in so many of the details of the day - statistics, the President's response and role, and how America's economy has been impacted as well as the everyday lives of Americans. While reading this book, I thought back to where I was at that moment. It made me think about how that day has impacted me. It also made me consider the impact it had on so many and makes us reflect on how life has changed since then and how America will never be the same, as physically the skyline is changed, the economy has changed and attitudes, precautions and the way daily life is lived has changed for so many.