Attack From Within

Fiction - Thriller - Terrorist
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Attack From Within by James Bultema is a heart-pounding terrorist thriller. Iran is planning to retaliate against the US for wiping out their best terrorists, and they'll do it from within – a Lebanese gang and American Hezbollah operatives make a potentially catastrophic combination. Carrier pilots Sarah Freeman and Jessie Hampton are on leave, planning to get married, but like all plans, something gets in the way, this time a terrorist plot. Sargeant Harley Jennings, retired Marine, now works for the FBI as a terrorist expert. His partner is Lebanese, and it's up to them to take down the terrorists threatening the very existence of the USA. This thrilling tale will take you across the Middle East and America as the fight against terrorism continues.

Attack From Within by James Bultema is the sequel to Sea of Red. Terrorist thrillers are a hard genre to write in but this one is superb. It takes you right into the heart of terrorism, into the training camps in Iran and the gangs that roam the world, waiting for orders to carry out their attacks. This is an action-packed tale that you won't put down once you start reading. It's clear Mr. Bultema has done his research, and he makes you feel every emotion in the story and experience every scene as though you are there. As part of a trilogy, with the third yet to come, it would be best to read the first book before this one just to get a full sense of the characters. That said, I felt I got to know the characters in this one very well. They are realistically developed and you'll be invested in the good ones all the way through. This is an intriguing tale, packed with suspense, that you will read in one sitting. If you love a good thriller with a realistic plot and relatable characters, you'll love this one.