Barstow Boy

A Love Story

Fiction - Literary
348 Pages
Reviewed on 09/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Barstow Boy: A Love Story by Pete O'Brien is a compelling literary fiction novel that follows Danny Olmstead, a young man haunted by his father’s racist murder and surrounded by the influence of white supremacy. Despite his upbringing, Danny resists embracing racial hatred, but his moral resolve is tested when he’s framed for the murder of a black teammate. Fleeing to Los Angeles, Danny embarks on a journey of betrayal, self-discovery, and unrequited love. Set against a backdrop of racial tensions, this powerful narrative explores themes of honor, friendship, and a refusal to succumb to hate.

Author Pete O’Brien does a brilliant job of combining intense social issues with deeply personal storytelling, creating a thought-provoking and emotional narrative that readers fall into easily, and appreciate in return. The character development is exceptional and it stood out to me, particularly in Danny’s complex moral struggle and his changing attitudes and ideas as he deals with grief and tension. The vivid portrayal of 1960s America gives readers a poignant reflection on racism and identity that is still totally relevant and resonant today, and the dialogue and action of the time is shocking, but never so overwhelming that you lose sight of the story. O’Brien’s writing balances tension and tenderness, weaving a gripping tale of redemption and love that has a faint light of hope shining throughout; this keeps us hanging on and watching Danny’s journey unfold with huge emotional investment. Overall, Barstow Boy: A Love Story is a tender and well-penned tale packed with authenticity that I would certainly recommend to fans of accomplished drama.