Being Creative

Christian - Living
298 Pages
Reviewed on 05/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Being Creative is a work of non-fiction in the Christian living, inspirational writing, and advice and guidance genres. Penned by author Laura L. Bartnick, this joyous work celebrates the divine source of creativity, emphasizing the role of God in inspiring and guiding artistic expression. Through compelling biblical references, Bartnick explores how creativity is a manifestation of God's presence and how embracing one's creative nature fosters a deeper connection with the divine. The book offers practical insights and encourages readers to tap into their creative potential as a means of bringing more life and meaning into the world.

Author Laura L. Bartnick infuses the narrative with joy and enthusiasm to craft a transformative read that will certainly reshape readers’ understandings of creativity and spirituality. The style is immediately engaging, with a clear voice that is expressive and informative, and a friendly, upbeat tone that encourages openness in thought and exploration as the concepts deepen and diversify. Through her insightful analysis of biblical theology and practical advice, Bartnick illuminates the profound connection between creativity and faith with great control of concepts and building upon different ideas to form the bigger picture. Readers exploring the work will benefit from its great organization and layout, which helps one find core sections to refer to again on one's creative journey. The work provides plenty of practical guidance for nurturing creative endeavors that one can start implementing right away, but it also offers a profound spiritual perspective that stays with the reader. Overall, Being Creative is a highly recommended work for artists of all kinds seeking to infuse more creativity and spirituality into their daily lives.

Asher Syed

In Being Creative, Laura L Bartnick taps into the essence of creativity through a biblical loupe using scripture and personal experience, starting with Christ's pivotal role in creation and redemption. Bartnick speaks on the interplay between divine inspiration and human expression, stressing the importance of gratitude toward God's gifts and cautioning against idolatry. Using thoughtful examples, Bartnick shows us creativity's capacity to convey spiritual truths and address areas of life that feel less transparent, and the generative power of storytelling and artistic collaboration. She brings up authenticity, humility, and the integration of faith into creative practices, while also addressing the difficulties faced by artists and the societal importance of supporting creativity. With a multidisciplinary approach that includes literature, theology, and personal reflection, Bartnick encourages readers to embrace creativity as a pathway to deeper understanding and alignment with divine principles.

Being Creative by Laura L. Bartnick does an excellent job of blending creativity and spirituality, and presenting the argument that creativity is linked to worship; something I'd never even considered. I really like that she goes even further by demonstrating how the sheer act of creation can be a sacred offering to God. Bartnick does what my daughter would call “keeping the receipts,” backing up what she says with scripture, like using the story of Sheerah to show the importance of recognizing and celebrating the diverse talents bestowed upon individuals by the divine. It's clear that Bartnick is a creator herself just by her skillful use of metaphors to reflect abstract concepts with imagery such as "God's glistening, shimmering wings laying over me like skin...” This is a self-help guide but some of the prose absolutely sings. Being Creative is more than a guide to unlocking creativity; it's a spiritual journey that invites readers to infuse their creative pursuits with purpose and reverence.

Diana Lopez

Creativity is the balance between imagination and work. We must act with strategy, keeping a purpose and direction to develop this quality. To help us find our way, Laura L Bartnick offers Being Creative. She uses the teachings of the Bible to push us to innovate in many areas of interest. She begins by explaining the importance of cultivating creativity and trusting our instincts. She then guides us to a deeper understanding of how God's blessing can inspire us to tackle challenges. This allows us to use different combinations of ideas and skills to maintain discipline in our faith and not lose sight of great opportunities. It also reminds us of the importance of caring for our souls, enabling us to act with wisdom to observe, listen, and take advantage of every moment of our day.

Laura L Bartnick's narrative style captivated me because, despite addressing details in depth, her explanations are clear and easy to understand. Many of her examples are real, such as when she talks about the challenges she has had as a writer. In addition, her advice can be applied in the artistic and work environment. The Bible passages she mentions are presented understandably. In them, she denotes the connection between God as our creator and our creative capacity. What I liked most is that she constantly emphasizes the importance of being positive and seeing things with humor. She also highlights the need to be honest with our performance and accept our mistakes to correct them. Being Creative is ideal for reflecting on our dreams and life, and for gaining the motivation to move forward.

Pikasho Deka

Everyone wants a sense of belonging in their lives. It's one of the main reasons people indulge in artistic endeavors to find that sense of connection to the larger world. But where does the creativity that manifests itself in art come from? According to Laura Bartnick, the stories and theories in biblical scriptures relate equally to musicians, artists, filmmakers, crafters, and writers as they do to someone with a career in the ministry. In Being Creative, Bartnick shows how creatives making art have deeper parallels to the act of Creation as revealed in the scriptures. This book takes a deep dive into the relationship between art and faith and demonstrates how both are intrinsically intertwined with one another. It also shows the origins of language and the evolution of human communication that followed through the will of God.

Learn to get the best out of your well of creativity by embracing the laws of faith and God with Being Creative. Laura Bartnick draws from the Christian scriptures to craft an enlightening guide for readers from diverse fields to help them find the best way to tap into their creativity and find the path of God. Using stories, personal anecdotes, and biblical tales, Bartnick keeps the reader engaged while offering some poignant truths about the nature of art and its relation to faith and God. The author delves into the theft of art and the exploitation of creatives in modern times and warns against the use of art as a tool for propaganda by factions that pursue agendas of their own. I found this to be a very illuminating book and highly recommend it to all the creatives out there!

Jamie Michele

Being Creative by Laura L Bartnick offers a positive perspective on the divine origin of creativity in God through Christ. Founding her arguments on biblical references, Bartnick represents creativity as a manifestation of God's essence, a conduit for encountering the divine, and a vehicle for enriching life, fostering a sense of belonging. As a source, Bartnick has written her book for all types of creators and covers areas like language, research, communication, and audience understanding in light of biblical theology. Bartnick assigns ten foundational principles for a creative life, offering both security and a global perspective tailored to individual gifts, even in high-stakes situations. Creatives are to respect God's commandments, seek enlightenment, and avoid using art for social or political agendas, with a focus on truth and transformation.

Being Creative by Laura Bartnick is a thoughtful look at the intersection between faith and creativity. Bartnick writes for and the book will primarily resonate with Christian creatives. However, I am not a Christian and found that there are parts where the message transcends religious boundaries. For those who want to unlock their creative potential in a manner that gives God glory, Bartnick's accessible writing style and incorporation of biblical references make this book a fast track to providing readers with a fresh perspective on the creative process. Alternatively, it is a way to reinvigorate perspective if you are already there. Whether you're seeking validation for your artistic endeavors or simply looking to reignite your creative spark, Being Creative is a reassuring guide, reminding us of the sacred nature of creative expression. Very, very highly recommended.