
Young Adult - Mythology/Fairy Tale
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Sadiyah Bhamjee for Readers' Favorite

Angie Bailey starts this inspiring story, Believe, in the world of the Never-Believers. Never-Believers are grey and mean, with no Christmases or birthdays and no magic. While Abigale’s family delights in their grey meanness, Abigale wants more. When the bullying from her family gets too much Abigale accidentally runs straight into another world; the magical, colorful world of Believers. She finally gets to make friends, see real magic, and learn how much better the world can be. But will she get to stay? Or does the magical world hold dangers too?

If you remember being at that awkward stage where you’re just starting to leave childhood but are not an adult, you’ll relate to Abigale. She and her friends are just beginning to notice their feelings. They are learning about the importance of the people around them. It is the characters' relationships with others that make them so real and well-written. Angie Bailey has created a beautiful world because of the concept of Believers and Never-Believers. I loved the harsh, monotone life of the Never-Believers contrasted with the colorful magic of the Believers. The plot was exciting. It twisted and turned and kept me on the edge of my seat. I did not know how much I needed a magical train until I read Angie Bailey’s Believe. The train is the real winner in Believe. It is a character on its own and I kept waiting to see what it would do next or how a character would interact with it. Believe is truly uplifting and magical.

Angie Bailey

Thank you so much for this amazing review. Believe and Believe in the Fae-Fated are truly a passion of mine. Everyone can have the magic if they just Believe.