Beyond Bullshit to Bliss

A Transformative Guide To Self-Love, Abundance & In-Lightenment

Non-Fiction - Self Help
277 Pages
Reviewed on 05/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Beyond Bullshit to Bliss by Samantha M Spiro and Noah David acknowledges the things we tell ourselves and analyzes the reason we do this. The authors believe readers can view their feelings more clearly and deal with the true cause of their emotions instead of the repercussions of the feelings. They discuss how to move beyond mindfulness and focus on yourself - as you are in the present - and provide information and exercises for you to put in your mental and emotional toolbox. Spiro and David help readers recognize their triggers and discontinue negative self-talk. By sharing their personal stories and some experiences of their clients, the authors hope readers will establish self-love and peace in relationships.

Samantha M Spiro and Noah David can help readers on their quest to find their True Self. Readers may find one or many stories in the book that resonate with them, helping them understand how they can break away from negative thinking patterns. I recommend reading the book chapter by chapter to develop a foundation of the material, but certain texts may resonate with you, and you should embrace them. For me, the section on triggers was truly eye-opening, and I saw a certain situation in my life from a different perspective. This book is a call to action that will motivate you to take the steps needed to find your deeper self. Absorb Spiro and David's wisdom and try their activities with an open and ready mind. Readers who are tired of recurring habits and are ready to expand their minds on a more fulfilling journey will enjoy Beyond Bullshit to Bliss.