Beyond the Last Time (The Old Farmhouse Chronicles Book 1)

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
67 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Juan Lynch for Readers' Favorite

Beyond the Last Time by Noah Tuya is the exciting first entry in The Old Farmhouse Chronicles. This short work delves into the lives of a group of five friends who seemingly by chance encounter a diary that determines their futures. The five friends, Marcus, John, Yew, Ben, and Claude, bonded during their university days in Boston. Their friendship developed to the point that they decided to have annual reunions. It was during one of these reunions at Marcus' farmhouse that their host revealed how the place used to belong to Rod, a mutual friend of theirs who had taken his own life. Marcus found an old, thought-provoking journal that inspired the group to strive to make grand changes and excel in life despite their varying fields of study and work.

I enjoyed Beyond the Last Time by Noah Tuya. I found the premise of lifelong friends holding regular reunions to catch up with each other both intriguing and inspiring. Marcus' introduction of the mysterious diary at one of these meetings feels natural. This brilliantly sets up the cast of characters to grow personally and collectively. I especially connected with Ben, a doctor with a passion for aiding the sick, inspired by having to take care of an ill sibling at an early age. Beyond the Last Time's focus on valuing and reflecting on past experiences made me appreciate life more. This short story is well-paced and I could not put it down until I had finished it. I am looking forward to reading the rest of The Old Farmhouse Chronicles.