Bibles and Bones in the Forest

Christian - Thriller
234 Pages
Reviewed on 09/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

In Bibles and Bones in the Forest by Flora Reigada, an installment of the Angels at Pine Brook Ranch series, Laura and Chris Murillo run the Pine Brook Ranch and Rescue in a rural area of New York. Laura tends the rescued horses and gives riding lessons. Laura's brother, Raúl Ramirez, and his wife, the gorgeous ballerina Stella, live nearby, as do their friends, Tiffany and Stevie Cavanaugh. Stella starts a dance studio for children. Stevie and Tiffany arrange meetings to study the Bible. The surrounding Adirondack Mountains are beautiful yet dangerous. Laura hears disturbing noises from the forest, resembling human screams. Also, the friends sometimes see a big white stag roaming among the trees. A young woman named Amber comes to the Bible study meeting but Laura senses that something is off about her. This mysterious woman, Laura's vivid dreams, and almost mystical occurrences in her friends' houses draw Laura to the woods at her own risk.

In Bibles and Bones in the Forest, Flora Reigada skillfully combines different timelines of events, making the narrative even more enthralling. Reigada writes in plain yet beautiful language. This is important because the book includes passages from the Bible and Stevie's meaningful words explaining them. Among other realistic and impressive characters, Stevie and Tiffany are my favorites. The husband and wife demonstrate profound faith, kindness to those around them, and a respectful approach to other people's views, even if these contradict their own. There is also the daring, courageous Laura, whose actions and decisions drive the plot. Reigada describes a little rivalry between her and her sister-in-law, Stella, with a dash of good humor. The novel is well-paced with stirring scenes of chase through the forest, thought-provoking dialogue, and an element of mystery concerning the possible impact of miracles on our everyday lives. This is a captivating read for fans of Christian thrillers and crime dramas.


A compelling read that I could not put down.


I loved the characters and the spiritual element of the book. It made me think.


I loved the characters and the spiritual element of the book. It made me think.


Masterfully written, Beautiful words, a beautiful setting and a life-changing message.