Blood Parallel

Harrower Series

Fiction - Crime
371 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In Kevin F.W. Dyer's crime novel Blood Parallel, Paul Harrower operated a private investigation agency in San Francisco. Although Jeff Varano had suspicions about his wife Gillian's infidelity, the situation was far worse. Throughout the past year, Jeff's wife has starred in low-budget pornographic films. Jeff wanted Paul to look into Clayton Bradshaw because Gillian had spent so much time with him. With his success in porn, Bradshaw set his sights on more ambitious endeavors like gambling. A Jewish Mafia boss controlled the illegal gambling in the San Francisco area. If Bradshaw was not careful, he would be a dead man. The Mafia were not people to mess with. Paul found himself entangled in a web of sexual exploitation and exposed to high-level corruption that posed a threat to his life.

Blood Parallel: Harrower Series by Kevin F.W. Dyer was interesting and captivating. The story was made more complex by the inclusion of danger, betrayal, and murder in the plot. I was engrossed in the fast-paced action and found it difficult to put the book down. I was desperate to know what would happen next and could not turn the pages fast enough. I was guessing right up to the very end because of the twists and turns that kept the tension building. The characters were well-developed and relatable. There was a variety of important characters, and they were introduced in such a way that it was easy to distinguish them. The plot was well-planned and carried out. Several stories came together at the end without detracting from each other. I enjoyed reading this book, and my expectations were truly exceeded.