
Fiction - Horror
206 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Treat yourself to a spine-chilling tale of body horror with Yolanda Olson's Bones. Guy Burress is a psychopath with an unquenchable thirst for pain and blood. He methodically dismembers his victims and keeps parts of them as trophies, with which he adorns his cabinet. Everything that a man like Guy craves is provided in the manor of La Douleur Folle -- an establishment that caters to every sadistic urge of people like him in Kalispell, Montana. After brutally torturing and killing a family of three in the mansion, Guy manages to shock even the cold-blooded manager, Priscilla. However, when she goes to Guy's home to tell him he's banned from visiting La Douleur Folle forever, she is in for a surprise. Meanwhile, Guy has another victim in mind. Will he get his comeuppance?

Bones is a gripping horror novella that sets its hooks on you from the first page and refuses to let its hold on you waver until the last page. Blending psychological horror with body horror, Yolanda Olson has crafted a gruesome tale of murder and bloodshed that will shock even the most hardcore slasher enthusiast. Dark, twisted, and ominous, the narrative creates a foreboding atmosphere of tension and dread that you just can't shrug off. Guy Durress is one of those evil characters in fiction who you love to hate but still can't help being entertained by the sheer gleeful joy they seem to derive from their horrendous acts. Olson does a brilliant job of exploring the mind of a full-blown murderous and sadistic psychopath. On the whole, I found this to be a fantastic horror novella. There's also a sequel that I'm eagerly looking forward to reading. Highly recommended!