Boxer Baby Battles Bedtime!

Children - Grade K-3rd
36 Pages
Reviewed on 06/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Boxer Baby Battles Bedtime! by Mia Wenjen is a fun children’s story. It’s time for Boxer Baby’s nap, and it’s down to Dad to get her to sleep. But Boxer Baby is famous for refusing to take a nap. The battle is on as Dad and Boxer face off and circle each other in a bid to win the battle. But just when Dad thinks he’s won, Boxer Baby is back on her feet and ready for round three. Will Dad succeed in getting Boxer Baby to take a nap, or will they have to go for a rematch?

Boxer Baby Battles Bedtime! by Mia Wenjen is a hilarious children’s story written in the style of a three-round boxing match. The illustrations by Kai Gietzen are wonderfully colorful and help kids picture the story as it unfolds, and they are just as funny as the story. There are plenty of boxing references scattered throughout and a helpful glossary at the end so everyone understands what these mean. It’s surprising how many phrases we use every day that come from boxing. The characters are fun, and I’m sure lots of parents and kids will see themselves in this story. However, rather than a bedtime story to help your kids fall asleep, this is more likely to have them giggling with delight and wide awake. But will Dad win and get Boxer Baby to sleep? The only way to find out is to read the book. I would recommend this book to all kids who love a great story and their parents who know the all-too-real battle of getting their kids to take a nap.