Bring Back Summertime

"A true story of triumph over tragedy!"

Non-Fiction - Memoir
391 Pages
Reviewed on 06/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

In Bring Back Summertime, Jeanne Starr Gater narrates her trying experience of helping her husband heal from a terrible accident and trusting God to lead the way. After her husband, Dr. Julius Gater, was rushed to the emergency room, Jeanne learned that he had suffered a stroke and had some paralysis on his left side. From that moment on, she tried her best to support Julius as he received treatment in different stages. Through it all, Jeanne strived to hold on to her faith and stay hopeful for his healing, even when he was in a coma. While dealing with the emotional struggles of her situation, Jeanne made an effort to express appreciation for the positive messages she received from friends, family, and well-wishers. Read Bring Back Summertime to follow Jeanne's poignant story and learn from her strong determination and her faith in God.

Despite going through a painful healing journey, Dr. Julius shares an amazing testimony and a deeply inspiring message: "I know God is real because I was in a car accident and He saved my life." Thankfully, the book is filled with many more messages that will strengthen your faith in God. Prepare for a deeply evocative experience. Jeanne Starr Gater generously shares her raw emotions, profound questions, and burning wishes throughout. Additionally, this enlightening tale shows us some important flaws in healthcare, such as favoring strict codes of conduct over being optimistic and kind to patients. Jeanne has shared a memoir that readers who have experienced serious health challenges and every Christian will appreciate, relate to, and enjoy. Bring Back Summertime is a testament to our strength as humans, especially our resilience and our ability to stay hopeful even in the most dire situations.