Broken People

Fiction - Drama
282 Pages
Reviewed on 12/28/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lorena Sanqui for Readers' Favorite

Broken People by Scott Hildreth revolves around the lives of five different people that all have something in common; they are all broken. Fat Kid runs a blog to help others, mostly teenagers and young adults, to face their problems, while he also has troubles of his own. He has encountered a lot of crises, including suicide, teenage pregnancy, depression, and many other problems. When a teenager asks for his help regarding her suicidal thoughts, it brought back memories of his previous encounter with suicide when he was younger. This made him work harder to not have another suicide on his hands. Another person Fat Kid met on the internet is a young woman who doesn't really need his help but instead offers it to him. That doesn't mean she isn't also broken. Together they all help each other to grow and to survive all the problems that they are facing.

Broken People is just so wonderful, it’s emotional, gripping, and it helps and teaches people just by reading it. Told from the different characters’ points of view, it was like reading the diary of the different people involved. Scott Hildreth really captured the emotions and feelings of all the characters. I can feel the pain and hardships they were experiencing through the words of this book. It was very well written and I especially liked it towards the ending; it had me crying, feeling nervous, and cheering for the characters. The story flowed smoothly, and scenes and settings were described really well. A five star read from beginning to end.