Certain Sensibilities

Fiction - Womens
285 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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Author Biography

In love with reading since childhood, Sondra began writing poetry early on. She later contributed columns for a weekly newspaper.

A native of Michigan, Sondra attended Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio.

For many years, she was active in the management of her family’s restaurant and fast food franchises.

In between, she managed time to serve on governmental bodies including a municipal planning commission. She has also held elective office.

She brought out her first novel, Silver Dreams, in 2006 (Robert D. Reed Publishers).

Sondra lives in Tucson, Arizona, with her husband, George, a retired newspaper reporter.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Inga Buccella for Readers' Favorite

Certain Sensibilities by Sondra Rice Newman is the unusual, slow-burning romance of a May-December relationship. As the plot unfolds, Elizabeth is a new resident at an assisted living facility in Tucson, Arizona. Her attending nurse is a tall, dark, and handsome young man named Cary. In Cary's eyes, Elizabeth appears as a regal queen. A framed photo of the woman as a youthful equestrian captured his attention and his imagination. Although in a wheelchair, Elizabeth is merely physically confined since she has many interests. Shared “walks” and talks reveal Elizabeth's strength and Cary's immeasurable caring ways. Cary's endearing personality shines through when he indulges Elizabeth in small things like getting her the daily New York Times or playing Scrabble. She teaches him about fine wine and food. This unlikely couple both enjoy literature, nature, and music. One of the background settings is the natural beauty of the desert, which plays a part in the romance.

"How do I love thee?" Cary and Elizabeth count the ways in Certain Sensibilities by Sondra Rice Newman. Admittedly, I doubted I would like this story since the age difference is large. But I'm so glad I was curious enough to discover that I loved it! I appreciated the sweet but also romantic facets of this May-December relationship. This is not just a romance. Several subplots specifically regarding Elizabeth's past were intriguing to me. It was the unpredictability of the storyline, as well as the forbidden romance and her mysterious past, that made it difficult for me to put this book down. The storytelling is flawlessly graceful, mostly relayed through conversations. Also, a plus for me is that within the story are many likable characters and only a few unlikable ones. Certain Sensibilities is a touching and refreshing reminder that love comes in different shapes, sizes, colors, and even seasons.