Chronicles of Sword and Fang

Book 1

Young Adult - Fantasy - Epic
269 Pages
Reviewed on 05/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Peggy Jo Wipf for Readers' Favorite

Chronicles of Sword and Fang is the first book in a young adult epic fantasy series, which will leave you following Elizabeth R. Jensen for the next book. Burchard Wolfensberger is the middle son of a ruthless general. He learned at a young age that he was of little use to his father. At the age of fourteen, Burchard has a dream of a white wolf, Eos. These dreams become prophecy, and he is granted a wolf as his companion and guide. But evil forces are at play as Burchard struggles with his destiny and follows the leadership of his father, who scorns the danger right under his nose.

From the first chapter, you will understand why Elizabeth R. Jensen is an award-winning author. Her writing is precise, keeping you glued to the action. Mystical creatures and magic are woven into these medieval times, adding to its enchanting plot. Wicked competes against good and isn’t black and white in this novel, as some characters appear to fight for the wrong side. I could also see the young squire struggling with affairs of the heart as his future unfolds. Overall, Chronicles of Sword of Fang is an intriguing novel written for those coming-of-age readers who love the fantasy genre. Jensen skillfully directs the reader’s imagination and anticipation as the crusade escalates. This novel makes a vibrant start to a memorable story series that needs telling. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to encountering Burchard as his destiny develops.