Cold as Ice

Playing for Keeps

Romance - General
117 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Garmon Eugene for Readers' Favorite

Cold As Ice: Playing for Keeps by Nichole Rose tells the story of Kristján Jónsson (Kris), the captain of the hockey team in the NHL, and Kelsey, the publicist for the team. Kris had been in love with Kelsey ever since she started working for the team two years ago and had been chasing for them to be together, but Kelsey was unyielding. She was sick with leukemia, and while it wasn't terminal, she felt being with Kris would only tie him down and prevent him from having a successful career as a hockey player, so she kept it from him. Kris just couldn't understand what Kelsey was hiding, which made her keep running away from him. This is a story of love, challenges, and happy endings.

What I liked about Cold As Ice by Nichole Rose was how unrelenting Kris was in fighting for Kelsey. Despite her numerous refusals, for no apparent reason, and brushing him off many times, he didn't give up. He was also sensitive in noticing that there was a reason why she was holding back. When he found out what it was, he didn't leave her side and was even willing to leave hockey just to be at her side. I also liked how the other team members were so protective of Kelsey and were willing to do all they could to help her when they found out about her illness. I recommend the book to all fans of romance novels; however, patients and people with serious illnesses might find some parts of this book triggering.