Colors of Truth

Fiction - Drama
298 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Colors of Truth is a work of fiction in the coming-of-age, interpersonal drama, and recent history genres. Penned by author Paula Paul, the tale follows Caroline and Pearlie, two teenage girls in 1950s Texas. Despite living in the same town, their lives differ greatly: Caroline is a white farm girl, while Pearlie is a black girl who, along with her family, works on Caroline’s family farm during the summer. They ride the same bus to separate schools. Through the alternating narratives of this deeply moving and thought-provoking read, the plot reveals how their lives become intertwined during a pivotal summer, culminating in a murder that impacts both girls deeply.

The alternating voices of Caroline and Pearlie provide a profound insight into their contrasting yet interconnected lives, and these voices are confidently crafted with deep emotional ties and brilliant thought presentation. Caroline's perspective highlighted the privileges and struggles of a white farming family, while Pearlie's narrative vividly portrayed the harsh realities of racial segregation and labor in the 1950s, and both sides were developed with respect and understanding. The murder mystery element added a great sense of suspense and urgency once the plot got rolling, but more importantly, it served as a catalyst for examining deeper social issues, and this always stayed central to the story and deeply relevant in everything that played out. The repercussions of the murder on both girls' lives poignantly illustrated the pervasive impact of racism and inequality with a fascinating and realistic look at the complexities of friendship and justice in a segregated society. Overall, Colors of Truth by author Paula Paul is an accomplished and unforgettable read that I would not hesitate to recommend.