Conflict of Interest

A Legal Thriller

Fiction - LGBTQ
337 Pages
Reviewed on 06/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Conflict of Interest is a work of fiction in the LGBTQ+ drama, legal thriller, and suspense genres. It is best suited to mature readers owing to some adult content including sexual references and discriminatory language. Penned by author Jackson Banks, this gripping tale follows lawyer Everett Stone as he takes on the biggest case of his career against Ross Tyndall, a ruthless operator of a long-term care facility. Tyndall's greed led to the death of Harry Thomas, whose daughter Monica seeks justice. Confident in securing a record-setting verdict, Everett faces unforeseen complications when he begins a relationship with Jake, who later becomes a juror in the trial. Their secret relationship jeopardizes Everett's career and the trial’s outcome, creating a high-stakes battle between love, justice, and professional integrity.

Author Jackson Banks' exhilarating thriller kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish as it perfectly balanced the high-stakes world of legal battles with gripping and emotive personal drama. Everett Stone's determination to bring Ross Tyndall to justice for his greed-induced negligence was both inspiring and intense. We get to know Everett really well thanks to the narrative detail and honest portrayal of his attitudes and perspective on life. The ethical dilemmas Everett faced, particularly when his relationship with Jake put the entire case in jeopardy, added layers of tension and complexity that were conveyed well through naturalistic dialogue and brilliant narration. The portrayal of Tyndall's ruthless attempts to thwart justice gave the plot plenty of exciting new twists, while the romantic subplot offered a humanizing contrast and a breather from the complex legal drama. The suspense of secrets on the verge of being revealed kept me deeply invested in the story, and Banks' ability to balance courtroom drama with personal conflict made this a truly thought-provoking and engaging read. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Conflict of Interest for thriller fans everywhere as their next intense, dramatic adventure.