Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes

Fiction - Thriller - General
296 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Angelique Papayannopoulos for Readers' Favorite

The psychological suspense thriller Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes by Bob Goodwin explores a family's struggle to cope in their dysfunctional home. Jasper, a father of two, is an extreme drug user and has paranoid delusions and hallucinations. Although he is under intensive therapy treatment, he relapses and suffers severe consequences. His wife Cassie disappears under suspicious circumstances, and their children end up in foster care. Faith and her younger brother Delaney are challenging to handle in foster care. Eventually, they are separated in the care of two foster families before being reunited a few years later. Unsurprisingly, growing up, the siblings have the same cunning and intelligent traits as their father, and after years they meet again in a group therapy class. Nevertheless, the path towards reunification is filled with dead and mutilated bodies, where everyone is a suspect.

Bob Goodwin's Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes is a brilliant and intriguing thriller. Goodwin has created unique characters with a clear insight into their psyches and mental health. The reader is immersed in a family saga and will be kept guessing until the very end. A masterful and clever narrative creates an ongoing suspenseful mystery throughout the novel. The author weaves a well-crafted story that captures the reader's attention and transports them into the minds of complex characters. Just as you think you know where the plot is heading, the twists are unpredictable, keeping you guessing what new mystery is about to unfold. Throughout this gripping page-turner, themes of family, courage, and perseverance resonate with readers. Those who enjoy clever crime novels with complex plots and twists will find Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes an exhilarating read!

Lucinda E Clarke

Anyone who reads Crazy Lies & Cat’s Eyes by Bob Goodwin will never look at the marbles they played with as a child in quite the same way again. The author has experience with mental health issues and he uses this knowledge in creating the Johannson family, father Jasper, mother Cassie, and their children Faith and Delaney. Not one member could be described as normal and well-balanced. Jasper is in a constant battle with the Tormentor, an unseen evil entity that threatens to take over his life. The book he is writing is unintelligible, and when Cassie takes a sneak peek her husband flies into a rage. After Jasper threatens to kill the children, she takes them away to stay with her sister, and later they are placed in a series of foster homes. Both Faith and Delaney commit vicious acts of unspeakable harm, by attacking their victims and rendering them blind. Throughout the book, several bodies are discovered, all with their eyes replaced by marbles. First one person is suspected, then another, and it is an uphill battle for detectives Michelle Gardiner and Kevin Milford to unravel the truth. But, did they solve the case?

Crazy Lies & Cat’s Eyes by Bob Goodwin is a roller coaster ride, taking us into the minds of the mentally ill. I loved his writing, he has such a light touch with an underlying sense of humor that the reader wants to laugh out loud but then feels guilty for mocking those whose minds are not functioning as normal. I was particularly impressed with the dialogue in the therapy sessions, as Eduardo Mendes remains calm under the most trying circumstances with a very strange group of people. Again, when Detective Gardiner is attempting to interrogate Dr Lulu Huang, the psychiatrist tries to turn the tables on her and treats her like a patient. The plot twists and turns with nearly every character as the major suspect at one time or another, an arrest that may not be correct, and the reader is kept guessing right up until the last page. Exploring this book questions readers' mental state as much as the dysfunctional characters who mess with readers' minds as to their real intentions and actions. A great book. A very well-deserved 5 stars.

Alma Boucher

In Bob Goodwin's thriller Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes, Jasper was part of a Community Treatment Order and was eager to start taking oral medication. He felt he would then be in control and had a chance to improve. Cassie and Jasper met in the psych ward and later they had two children, Faith and Delaney. Delaney had blackouts when he was stressed. Jasper told him that a cat’s eye marble had protective powers, and, if he looked inside, he would see things. However, Jasper insisted Cassie get rid of Faith and Delaney because he was convinced they were possessed. Due to their problematic behavior, which included verbal and physical hostility toward other kids and their foster parents, Faith and Delaney were placed in separate foster homes.

Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes by Bob Goodwin is a story revolving around Jasper's drug use and delusional notions. This page-turner had me on the edge of my seat, and I had difficulty putting it down. The events were vivid and detailed, and the story moved quickly. The characters were authentic and had unique backgrounds. Jasper's thoughts and deeds were vividly and evocatively portrayed. Despite being clever, ruthless, and cunning, Faith and Delaney did not have an easy life because of their genetic makeup. Carefully handled themes of abuse and mental health were interwoven throughout the story, and I felt as though it was happening to people I knew. The plot was masterfully crafted and executed, and I was shocked by the events in the story.

Rabia Tanveer

Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes by Bob Goodwin is a thriller with a twist that will have you guessing until the end. The story opens with Jasper, a man with paranoia and addicted to drugs. He was married and had two children (Delaney and Faith), but no one knew how to help him. Things went awry when his wife suddenly disappeared, and his children were put into foster care. While Jasper did get treatment for his mental illness and addiction, nothing worked. Separated, nothing was looking up for the children as well. They posed a challenge to their foster parents, especially when they started to exhibit the same traits as their father. Years later, Faith and Delaney were reunited at group therapy, and that was when the real trouble began. Members of the group therapy ended up dead with mutilated bodies, and no one was a bigger suspect than Faith and Delaney. Was it really the siblings killing everyone? Or was it someone else?

Fast-paced and action-packed, Crazy Lies & Cat Eyes is an exciting story. You hardly come across genuine thriller novels with narratives that keep you guessing until the end. Author Bob Goodwin made sure to keep readers entertained and hooked to the story. I enjoyed the constant guessing game until it was revealed who the killer was. Reading such complex characters was a real treat. Getting an insight into the mind of a mentally unstable person was a roller coaster ride of emotions that I wasn’t prepared for but enjoyed nonetheless. I felt sorry for Delaney the most. The poor man had no idea what was in store for him! I won’t give you any spoilers because you have to read it to experience it! Highly recommended!

K.C. Finn

Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes is a work of fiction in the thriller, mystery, and suspense genres and is best suited to the adult reading audience. Penned by author Bob Goodwin, the plot follows the turbulent life of Jasper, whose paranoia and drug use drive him to extremes. His family suffers as his health declines, and his wife mysteriously disappears. Their children, Faith and Delaney, end up in foster care, displaying traits similar to their father's. As adults, the siblings reunite but face a challenging path shaped by their genetics. Both join group therapy, where a series of brutal murders occurs, casting suspicion on everyone involved. This gripping and genuinely unsettling thriller is packed with eerie narrative details and excellent pacing.

The depiction of Jasper's paranoia and the subsequent impact on his family elicits a sense of empathy and frustration, and the close narrative viewpoint on his psyche shows off a wealth of emotional intelligence and draws readers closer to the character in his state of distress. Watching Faith and Delaney struggle through foster care and inherit their father's traits was heart-wrenching, as their cunning and intelligence often worked against them with clever twists and unfortunate plot events that have readers hanging on. The murder mystery within the therapy group had a wealth of suspenseful dialogue and atmospheric unease, making me constantly question the characters' motives and trustworthiness. The dark twists and psychological depth kept me engrossed and offered sudden shocks and suspenseful moments of contemplation, leaving me both captivated and disturbed by the complexities of the human psyche. Overall, I would certainly recommend Crazy Lies & Cat's Eyes as an accomplished mystery for thriller fans everywhere to enjoy.