Cup Of Joe

Romance - Contemporary
260 Pages
Reviewed on 12/08/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Goldie was raised by her grandfather and was devastated at his death. It was tempting to stay tucked up on the couch in her Sponge Bob Pajamas and pink fluffy slippers watching games shows and Judge Judy. However, her grandfather’s friend had other ideas. Each morning he would knock on her door and bring her a cup of coffee. He was her grandfathers friend not hers. Joe was owner of Joes Coffee Shop. She did not like coffee period. Next he brings her a dog, a little female Cavalier Spaniel named Bliss.

Joe Montgomery had promised her grandfather that he would watch over her. He found himself falling in love with her. With the Help of Cinnamon his wacky way out assistant he creates a special Latte named after Goldie, for these non coffee drinkers.

Goldie and her grandfather were members of a Bible Study group for senior citizens. The members strongly suggested she get a life, find someone young, go out, and get a job.

I fell in love with Goldie from the beginning of this book. I kept waiting for Joe to finally to take her on a date. This is a hilarious adventure. Goldie takes Bliss to Church with her and to her job at the library. I did not want to put this book down. The story is very entertaining.