Dear Anne...

A Story of Perseverance

Young Adult - Social Issues
310 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Tammy L. Brown’s Dear Anne... is a poignant and timely epistolary novel that explores the emotional trauma of the Israeli/Hamas conflict through the eyes of a 13-year-old girl named Rachel. Living in a kibbutz in Israel, Rachel is constantly surrounded by the sounds of gunfire and rockets. After witnessing horrific violence, she finds refuge in a hidden room where she feels isolated and helpless. To cope with her fears and loneliness, Rachel turns to her hero, Anne Frank, and begins writing daily diary entries addressed to Anne. Through these entries, Rachel draws parallels between her own situation and Anne’s experiences during the Holocaust, offering a raw and heart-wrenching portrayal of her day-to-day struggles.

Tammy L. Brown skillfully uses the diary format to delve into Rachel's psyche, capturing her fears, hopes, and resilience. Rachel’s character is both relatable and deeply moving, her voice providing a window into the impact of ongoing conflict on young lives. The story’s structure, mirroring The Diary of Anne Frank, lends authenticity and depth to Rachel’s narrative. Brown's portrayal of Rachel’s inner world is vivid and evocative, painting a stark picture of the horrors she witnesses while also highlighting her incredible strength. The contrast between Rachel’s contemporary experiences and Anne Frank’s historical plight underscores the powerful message about the persistence of human suffering and the enduring need for hope. Dear Anne... will resonate deeply with readers, particularly those who appreciate heartfelt, character-driven stories. Its exploration of trauma, resilience, and the power of writing to provide solace and courage makes it stand out in the realm of YA fiction. The empathetic storytelling and the poignant relevance to current events ensure that Dear Anne... is a compelling and thought-provoking read.