Demons Also Dream


Fiction - Supernatural
420 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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Author Biography

Ava Lock lives in Reno, Nevada, loving the desert air and soothing sounds of slot machines in the distance. A multiple award-winning and bestselling author on Amazon, she’s finally hitting her stride as a writer—just in time to realize that the writing life is 50% caffeine, 30% staring into the void, and 20% trying to remember where she left her plot notes. Ava and her husband share their home with a couple of cats who graciously allow them to live there, as long as they provide a steady supply of treats and belly rubs. She’s thrilled to be here, wherever “here” might be, and can’t wait to see where this wild ride of storytelling takes her next.

Ava doesn’t do social media, so for publication updates, be sure to follow her on Amazon.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Demons Also Dream: Summoned by Ava Lock is a supernatural fiction novel that blends elements of horror, suspense, and fantasy. The story follows Joscelyn Wild, a psychic and bestselling supernatural suspense writer, whose dark visions fuel her creative work. When Joss becomes a prisoner in a haunted house on Christmas Eve, she is rescued by Fury, Hell's top bounty hunter tasked with capturing souls that evade death. As dreams blur into reality, Joss finds herself entangled in a chilling adventure where good and evil collide in a gripping supernatural narrative with complex, overlapping realities.

The detailed portrayal of Joscelyn as a lonely but strong psychic writer is compelling, and her connection with Fury creates a fascinating dynamic told through brilliantly nuanced dialogue that moves both their relationship and the plot forward naturally. Ava Lock expertly combines atmospheric touches of horror, suspense, and fantasy to immediately ground readers in a scene or concept, then gets right back on with the action. This isn’t to say that the worldbuilding isn’t also vast and detailed, because the innovative concept of Hell’s bounty system and the unique portrayal of demons and psychic powers provide a refreshing take on the paranormal genre. These are also active elements of the plot that help readers make sense of the story world. Lock's ability to build tension and deliver unexpected twists keeps readers on edge in this exciting world for an unpredictable and immersive tale that they'll never want to end. Overall, Demons Also Dream: Summoned is a highly recommended read for fans of atmospheric and action-packed supernatural adventures.