Digital Divining

Voodoo Phone Predicts Deadly Fates

Fiction - Paranormal
322 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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Author Biography

Jeff's early books represent his personal experiences in the Missouri Ozarks and as a ski bum in Colorado, health inspector in Texas, yacht captain in Florida, and harbormaster in Chicago. His newest release is Demus Divining about a Voodoo flip phone that can predict the exact date and time someone will die or be in a horrible accident. Book one Digital Divining and book three Ocracoke Divining round out the supernatural Divining trilogy.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Digital Divining: Voodoo Phone Predicts Deadly Fates by Jeff Lyon is a paranormal story with a difference. It’s 2016, Spring Break in South Florida when a homeless woman called Jolene stumbles over a phone discarded on Fort Lauderdale beach. Picking it up, she starts snapping pictures of everyone, only to realize that it predicts the date and time of death for some of those people. Thinking she can use this phone to get herself out of the hole she’s in, she attempts to warn those people, but she’s in someone’s line of sight – the Voodoo Priestess who lost the phone. Things are about to go horribly wrong for Jolene. Can she get out of the Priestess’s grip and turn her life around, or is she doomed forever?

Digital Divining by Jeff Lyon is the first book in a trilogy about a voodoo phone. This is a unique story and it made for compelling reading. This is fascinating, and the author writes so descriptively that you can’t help but feel like you are in the story yourself. This tale has plenty of humor and is very cleverly written, and the characters are quirky and different. You’ll find yourself on Jolene’s side, and you’ll learn more about homelessness and how hard it is for those who find themselves with nothing and no one on their side. This is a twisty story, taking you in directions you never dreamed possible. Just when you think you’ve got it worked out, the story will head off in a new direction and send you right back to the start. At the end, we get introduced to the next book, centered on a new character we meet in this one. This is such a fun story, and I’m really looking forward to reading the next one.