Discreet Rear Entrance

Volume II

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
266 Pages
Reviewed on 05/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

In Discreet Rear Entrance Volume II by Lou Powers, Jimmy Eyebrow has been sent on a new job out of town, a job that could seriously affect his friendships. Up to their necks in it from the last time, Detectives Bishop and McFadden are still hot on his trail. Joe Purple has disappeared, and Eyebrow is being held prisoner in a shed. Lucky Vic is convinced he knows where Purple is. He doesn’t, but he may be the only one who can lure Purple out of hiding. As things begin to heat up once more, everything and everyone converges in the desert, and Sin City is about to find out what real chaos is all about – Jimmy Eyebrow’s kind of chaos. It won’t be pretty but it never is with Jimmy. Will he finally be caught, or will he slip through the detectives’ fingers once more?

Discreet Rear Entrance Volume II by Lou Powers picks up where Volume I leaves off, so don’t even think about reading this book before you read the first one. This one is just as funny, if not more so, than the first book. The action is, once again, non-stop, and you’ll struggle to put it down once you start reading. The original characters continue to be developed, new ones are introduced, and there’s even more chaos and misadventures for you to get embroiled in. Like the first one, this is an adult-only book and is a great form of escapism. It is aptly described as the misadventures of a hapless hitman, and the sheer chaos and trail of destruction the main character leaves behind him will have you cringing but laughing out loud at the same time. Both books in this series are movie material, and if you want something to entertain, this is the series for you.