Divisible Man

The Sixth Pawn

Fiction - Thriller - General
344 Pages
Reviewed on 06/13/2024
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Author Biography

HOWARD SEABORNE is the author of the DIVISIBLE MAN TM series of novels along with a collection of short stories featuring the same cast of characters. Seaborne began writing novels in spiral notebooks at age ten. He began flying airplanes at age sixteen. He is a former certified flight instructor and commercial air charter pilot licensed in single- and multi-engine airplanes as well as helicopters. Today he flies a twin-engine Beechcraft Baron, a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza, and a Rotorway A-600 Talon helicopter he built from a kit in his garage. Seaborne lives with his wife and writes and flies during all four seasons in Wisconsin, never far from Essex County Airport.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

Howard Seaborne's Divisible Man: The Sixth Pawn is a suspenseful read. Will only shattered his pelvis after he plummeted five hundred feet from a disintegrating airplane. But he disregarded gravity and the principles of physics guiding mass as he fell, turning invisible in the process. Since no one can survive a fall that far or at that speed, Will was certain that his gift was why he survived the accident. Gunfire broke through the noise of dinner talk while Andy and Will were attending the Essex County Wedding of the Century. When the gunmen managed to escape, Will utilized his gift to learn more about them and gave Andy useful information. Andy and Will revealed a horrifying discovery during her investigation, but her case was hampered by influential individuals who used their access to limitless funds to influence politics.

Divisible Man: The Sixth Pawn by Howard Seaborne was intriguing and hooked me from the first page until the last. It was fast-paced and action-packed, and the action never stopped. This page-turner had me on the edge of my seat with all the twists and turns. It is a nail-biting book and was difficult to put down. The characters were authentic and relatable. Each had a backstory that made it easy to get to know them. Will joined Andy in investigating the crime involving corrupt politicians by using his special gift, and they became partners in crime solving. The thriller was well-written and captivating to read. The conclusion was unexpected and deeply satisfying. It presented a fresh, fascinating avenue for Will to apply his gift.