Divisible Man

Ten Man Crew

Fiction - Thriller - General
398 Pages
Reviewed on 07/07/2024
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Author Biography

Howard Seaborne is the author of the DIVISIBLE MAN series of novels as well as a collection of short stories featuring the same cast of characters. He began writing novels in spiral notebooks at age ten. He began flying airplanes at age sixteen. He is a former flight instructor and commercial charter pilot licensed in single- and multi-engine airplanes as well as helicopters. Today he flies a twin-engine Beechcraft Baron, a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza, and a Rotorway A-600 Talon experimental helicopter he built from a kit in his garage. He lives with his wife and writes and flies during all four seasons in Wisconsin, never far from Essex County Airport.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Ten Man Crew is a work of fiction in the thriller, espionage, and action genres, and is the fifth book in the Divisible Man series. The work is best suited to mature adult readers owing to adult language throughout, non-graphic sexual situations, and some scenes of violence. Penned by author Howard Seaborne, we’re back with Will Stewart as he faces an unexpected visit from the FBI that threatens to expose his secret. Meanwhile, fellow detective Andy grapples with her darkest instincts. As a long-hidden Cold War secret is weaponized, the Essex County crew encounters deadly threats, including racists, media manipulators, and an international conspiracy. With courage, creativity, and humor, they navigate this high-stakes adventure aimed at disrupting the American political process.

Author Howard Seaborne never ceases to amaze with the smoothness of his narrative, and his natural ability to blend high-octane action with intricate plot twists to keep readers hooked from the first page with a thrill a minute. This episode of the saga, in particular, struck me for its vivid action scenes, which seemed a lot more violent and visceral than previous installments, but were totally suitable to the plot and never felt over the top. Andy’s struggle in this tale was a big emotionally charged central theme, and there were some brilliant dialogue and thought choices to allow us into her psyche as her world slowly reframes around the new challenges she faces. The Essex County crew's dynamic, characterized by bravery, ingenuity, and sharp humor, created a relatable and engaging team to root for, and each confrontation felt intense and urgent, reflecting the high stakes of their mission and a lot of resonant themes. The fast pace and rich character development were as brilliant as ever, leaving me eager for more adventures with this tenacious and resourceful crew. Overall, Ten Man Crew is another stellar work from the Divisible Man series that I really enjoyed, and would highly recommend.