Driving for Justice

Fiction - Literary
437 Pages
Reviewed on 06/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Driving For Justice is a work of fiction penned by author Justin K Kojok in the literary and interpersonal drama genres. This compelling narrative is set in a vibrant city where John Sanbian, a high-flying lawyer turned Laafia car driver, encounters a tapestry of human experiences through his diverse passengers. Each ride offers insights into the city's pulse and human complexities, from an ambitious college student to a high-profile executive concealing vulnerabilities. As John navigates these stories, he reflects on his past and contemplates his future, leading him to establish a pro-bono legal clinic. This journey of self-discovery and empathy underscores the importance of justice, human connections, and redemption.

Author Justin K Kojok utilizes a keen sense of character and emotion to craft an immersive novel that taps into deep reflections on modern life. The vivid portrayal of fast-paced urban living and the myriad of characters John Sanbian encounters made the city feel alive and bustling with stories, packed with realistic dialogue touches, sharp characterization, and bold atmospheric language. Each passenger's narrative adds layers to the overarching story of interconnected lives, revealing the multifaceted nature of human existence and shaping John’s character more with each encounter. This makes John's internal struggles and his transformation from a disillusioned lawyer to a compassionate driver all the more compelling, and this journey builds with perfect pacing. The book's message about finding redemption and purpose in unexpected places was both powerful and inspiring. In true literary fashion, the work begins as a slow burn that packs a harrowing punch by the end. Overall, Driving For Justice is a highly recommended read and a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and the enduring quest for justice in our complex world.

Foluso Falaye

Driving for Justice by Justin K Kojok takes readers on a heartwarming journey involving a brave lawyer who flees the chaotic court scene for a more wholesome life path. The question on everybody's mind is why is John Sanbian, the celebrated attorney, driving for a ride-hailing company? To John, he's just following his dream to explore the world outside the tumultuous courtrooms and connect to the city of New York and its people. However, his daring part-time gig turns out to be a costly hobby since his reputation is on the line and John is subjected to facing controversial actions by the paparazzi and the court system. Still, Sanbian appreciates that it gives him the privilege of meeting amazing individuals, including artists, fellow lawyers, heartbroken lovers, musicians, dreamers, and more.

Protagonist John is usually chatty with his ride-hailing customers, resulting in an immersive story that is constantly engaging throughout. I loved most of the characters and their positive energy, such as the struggling artist with a guitar, who plays an uplifting song for Sanbian while taking a ride. The charm of the streets of New York and its diverse career paths are captured with poetic musings through the eyes of a dreamy, cheery protagonist. John shares, in the third person, profound words about the flaws of the modern law system, as well as the need to focus less on legal strategies and more on humanity. I loved Driving for Justice and would recommend it to anyone who appreciates goals that help them truly live instead of just making a living. Apart from being a deeply thought-provoking book, Justin K Kojok's therapeutic story is worth savoring slowly and revisiting multiple times.

Grant Leishman

Driving for Justice by Justin K Kojok is an interesting premise that will have readers thinking about life, their purpose, their passion, and their current direction. John Sanbian theoretically has it all. He is a high-flying defense attorney in New York City who is on the fast track toward senior partner in a prestigious law firm. Happily married to Lila and living in luxury in a fashionable New York apartment, everything is perfect, or is it? John is constantly questioning himself not only about the few cases he lost but also those he won when he knew the client was guilty. He feels he has lost the idealism he possessed when he left law school with the sure belief he was going to change the world and bring justice to those who desperately needed it. He also feels he has lost his human connection, his connection to the people and to the city he loves – New York. To re-establish some relationship with the people of his beloved city, he takes on a part-time gig as a driver for the ride-share app, Laafia. What he discovers is a wealth of stories and characters who confirm and restore his belief in humanity and the need for justice.

Driving for Justice is one of those stories that crept up on me as a reader. Like most of John’s colleagues, I questioned why anyone would want to give up the American dream as a successful lawyer and lower himself to the level of a mere chauffeur. What fascinated me was the sheer variety of interesting people John picked up and the wisdom they imparted to him and more importantly perhaps what he was able to offer them in return. Author Justin K Kojok has created a character in John Sanbian who will be identifiable to all readers. Yes, John was a success in terms that we generally recognize but he was also very aware of his failings, his flaws, and his subversion into the “win at all costs” mentality of the U.S. justice system. I appreciated greatly the contemplative, descriptive mood of the prose, especially as John traveled the roads, often late at night, of the city he loved. I also enjoyed immensely the thoughtful presentation of the impact of immigrants and their children on both New York and the entire country. At a time when so many seek to denigrate immigrants and paint them in a poor light, it was refreshing to read such a reasoned and sensible train of thought about their contribution to society. The concept of the journey being more important than the destination was one that resonated with me. So often we focus on a lofty dream to the exclusion of all else and end up missing out on the everyday joys of life. So much of this was beautifully illustrated in the story by the many passengers John was blessed to carry. This story is ultimately about decisions that alter the course of our lives and about choosing between the head and the heart. John’s sage advice on this would always be to follow your heart or, as Joseph Campbell once said, “Follow your bliss.” This story will make you think and ponder your own life and direction. For this reason, the author should be congratulated and I highly recommend this read.