Echoes at Midnight

Echoes in the North Country Book 2

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
197 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Echoes at Midnight is the second installment in the Echoes in the North Country series by Angela Grey and Paige Peterson. Siblings Jake and Leah Dawson are trying to move on from the murders of their parents, while Detective Bentley still sees them as suspects in the killings committed by the suitcase killer. Things start to escalate when dead bodies turn up dismembered near lakes and in state parks close to where Jake, Leah, Leah's friend Iris, and her daughter Maeve go on hikes. Some of the victims belong to a list made by Iris of the people she hates, apart from Iris' ex-boyfriend, Clive Callan. Meanwhile, a freelance journalist is convinced that either Jake or Leah is behind the murders, but he unexpectedly turns up as the prime suspect. Who is this elusive killer?

A contemporary whodunit steeped in mystery, suspense, and intrigue, Echoes at Midnight rarely lets you take your eyes off the pages. Using a multiple-POV narrative, Angela Grey and Paige Peterson spin a gripping yarn that surprises you at every turn. There is so much to love about this book. At its core, this is a character-driven story with an absorbing plot that moves swiftly, and you almost want to finish it in one sitting. Leah, Jake, and Iris have a very compelling dynamic. Although the siblings are close to Iris, they each have secrets of their own. It makes them feel layered and multi-faceted. Shawn was one of the other characters with his own agenda. Personally, I could not predict the ending. In conclusion, whodunit and sleuth mystery readers are in for a treat with this one!

Mimie Odigwe

When Iris’s ex-husband is dismembered and his body parts scattered around town, the Suitcase Serial Killer is back! Or is it a copycat with a different M.O.? After Iris bemoans that worse people are deserving of such a fate, a kill list is born—straight from her mouth to the ears of the serial killer. Now, the killer is on a spree, leaving a slew of dismembered bodies across the countryside, all evidence pointing to Iris and her friends. The police are on their trail, and as distrust mounts between the group, Iris, her daughter, Maeve, her best friend, Leah, and Leah's brother, Jake, must team up to find the killer before he strikes closer to home. Echoes at Midnight; Echoes in the North Country book two, co-authored by Angela Grey and Paige Anderson, is an enthralling cozy murder mystery.

Echoes at Midnight is an awesome murder mystery that I devoured in less than a day. Although this is the second book in the series, it features most of the same characters from the first one, but it contains no spoilers and can be read independently. The alternating perspectives heighten tension, suspicion, and suspense as everyone is a suspect with a seemingly adequate motive. Authors Angela Grey and Paige Anderson have crafted an intriguing mystery that readers will love to follow, piecing together clues while being thrown off by each character’s thoughts and suspicions. Alongside great storytelling and fast-paced action, readers will appreciate the detailed architecture and scenery. Lovers of cozy suspense and light murder mysteries will enjoy this book from cover to cover.

Alma Boucher

In Angela Grey and Paige Peterson's murder mystery Echoes at Midnight, a serial killer had made a comeback. To terrorize those living in the state park, small towns, and rural areas, the victims were killed with an axe, and their body parts were distributed around. The killer's style resembled that of the killings from the previous year; had the suitcase killer returned, or was there a copycat? After everything they had gone through in the last year, Leah and Jake, the children of the previous serial killer's victims, were still having difficulties. Detective Bentley's way of questioning Leah and Jake was to show them the graphic crime scene pictures since he suspected them of being involved in their parents' deaths. Detective Bentley was certain that Leah and Jake were once more implicated after the resurgence of killings.

Angela Grey and Paige Peterson's Echoes at Midnight offers thrilling suspense as a serial killer wreaks devastation once more. The chapters switched between Jake, Leah, and their friend in a convoluted but captivating plot. I could not stop reading after turning the first page since there were so many twists and turns; I never knew what would come next. Leah and Jake were complex characters who were still attempting to piece their lives back together after losing their parents. Before the shocking revelation, I was certain of the killer's identity. I am still in disbelief at what transpired; it was a major shock. The story was expertly written, making it ideal for readers looking for an exciting adventure full of suspense and peril.