Echoes From the Old Testament

Wisdom for Teens

Young Adult - Non-Fiction
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 02/28/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Astrid Iustulin for Readers' Favorite

Sometimes, we wonder how we can effectively explain to boys and girls the virtues and sins of the characters in the Bible, but too often we do not know how to accomplish this delicate task. It is thanks to Echoes From the Old Testament: Wisdom for Teens by Quinn Morris that we will find it easier to tell these stories and reveal their meanings. This book collects the lives of some of the remarkable women of the Old Testament, but not in the usual way. After an introduction where readers will learn or refresh their memories about each character, our heroines answer questions from curious young people. What question would you have liked to ask Eve, Ruth, Delilah, Deborah, and the others? You will find the answer here.

Echoes From the Old Testament: Wisdom for Teens is a book I loved because of the ingenuity with which Quinn Morris used the stories of the Old Testament. I had never thought that the characters I had heard of from childhood could tell us their point of view by answering questions from youngsters of our modern era. This is an enjoyable read and I also liked that, at the end of each story, the women summarize the lessons our young readers can learn from their experience. I recommend this book to all Christian boys and girls, their mentors, and their parents. I believe it is equally useful to read it by yourself or during group activities.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Echoes From the Old Testament is a guidebook by Quinn Morris. Morris presents her book in the form of an interview structured around the information in the Bible. Each section begins with a summary of an important biblical figure. The book focuses on important women in the scriptures, beginning with Eve, and touches on the lives of Hannah, Tamar, Ruth, and many more. The interviews are comprised of questions asked by teens, and the biblical characters give advice at the end of each section.

Quinn Morris relates that the book is fact and fiction, drawing on scripture but taking artistic liberties in the answers each biblical person may have given. The author includes male and female teens in the discussions, as teenage boys have as much to learn from the women in the Bible as girls. The reader can almost picture the teens attentively listening to prominent biblical women as they discuss their challenges and successes. The summaries at the beginning of each section provide a comprehensive view of the influential women's parts in the Bible, along with lesser-known individuals like Tamar and Dinah. Some of the women must answer questions that touch on their sexuality but the material remains straightforward and informative.

Themes of self-respect and determination are present throughout the text, and the interviews are conducted in a casual, believable manner. Echoes From the Old Testament would be a good addition to any teen’s bookshelf and the book would make a wonderful conversation starter in youth groups.

Meenakshi Bhatt

Echoes from the Old Testament: Wisdom for Teens by Quinn Morris uses stories in the form of interviews to convey teachings from the Old Testament. It has an unusual and inspired format. Each chapter is dedicated to a prominent woman from the Bible. The chapter begins with the narration of the woman’s story. This is followed by a fictional interview with that biblical character. In the interview, young boys and girls ask the character questions and try to understand the story from her perspective. The book compares scenarios from the Bible to situations in which teenagers may find themselves today. How the actions of a particular character led to the outcome is explained so that teenagers can learn from their failures and triumphs.

Echoes from the Old Testament spans a wide range of topics. The characters interviewed are not just those who led exemplary lives but include some who made mistakes. In those situations, the questions are not meant to be accusations but are rather posed to uncover the thought process that led to the character’s actions. Quinn Morris deftly uses this question-and-answer format to teach humility, loyalty, kindness, and generosity, among other virtues. The book attempts to show its young readers how the world of today is not that different from the world depicted in the Old Testament. The opportunities to do good or to choose the wrong path are still as plentiful as they were in the past. The interviews can reveal important lessons that are deeply embedded in the stories of these women. The book also helps teenagers recognize the relevance of these lessons in their lives.

Juan Lynch

Echoes From the Old Testament: Wisdom for Teens by Quinn Morris is a thought-provoking Christian self-help read. Morris recounts the stories of various women featured in the Bible through a fictional interview of these biblical characters by teenagers. This question-and-answer format helps the intended audience put themselves in the position of the interviewee. For example, when Miriam, Moses’ sister, is asked why she never married, readers are stirred to think about the importance of choosing a marriage partner or sexual abstinence for life to walk by God’s will. Each chapter ends with the biblical subject providing solid advice on topics such as relationships, work ethic, and sexual purity.

As a youth group leader at my local church, I recommend Echoes From the Old Testament to fellow Christians of all ages. I am glad that Quinn Morris employs not just biblical figures known for their morality but also those recognized as villains. For instance, when I read that Jezebel, an ungodly queen, was the daughter of a king-priest of a false god, I was reminded of how much influence parents and guardians have on children. I also appreciate that Morris uses various Bible versions. This shows diligence in finding the version that brings the message across most clearly. Although I don’t agree with everything that Morris says, her general message is one that all Christians would most likely agree with. I believe it is important for us to learn from the lives of others and this is a great resource to do so.