Exodus Team

New Roads

Christian - Thriller
275 Pages
Reviewed on 05/09/2024
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Author Biography

BEBogdon is a Christian entertainer from the Midwest whose passion for writing began with a love for reading. Although a newly published author, Bogdon has been telling stories for years. Through involvement in theater, film, commercial, and voice-over work, she has had the opportunity to breathe life into the written word and is thrilled to see those dreams finally settle onto the printed page.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

By day, Maj Newhouse is a proficient mechanic with a grateful list of clients. When she is not working on faulty vehicle parts, she and her friends Aimee and Kevin Cole, talented siblings, engage in some rather peculiar activities, challenging the authority of demons and other servants of darkness using the unconventional approach that strictly adheres to the methods clearly stated in the Bible. When a chance encounter with Jason Knight leads them to a haunted hotel with a disturbing secret, Maj and her friends become curious to investigate this unique piece of Louisiana history. They may believe they are fully prepared for another adventure, but there is something about Mr Knight that Maj cannot put her finger on. Discover how their adventure pans out in Exodus Team: New Roads by BE Bogdon.

Classic horror and suspense combine in BE Bogdon's thrilling paranormal adventure. The character development is sound as each individual's origin story is gradually explained to readers, immersing them in the unfolding adventure. The author skillfully illustrates what it means to be a Christian by showcasing the expected morals in all spheres of life and interactions with the outside world through engaging exchanges between the main characters. The extra care taken to clarify common, frequently misinterpreted ideas—such as the distinction between ghosts and spirits and the significance of using passion when following spiritual guidance—makes this book particularly noteworthy. This novel gains an impressively realistic edge from the well-placed scriptural verses that deal with everyday activities, such as coping with lousy relationship choices or helping a loved one in their hour of need. Exodus Team: New Roads has a distinct advantage over other Christian fiction books thanks to the storytelling style and even pacing.


“An inherently fascinating, exceptionally well crafted, and impressively memorable read that will have a particular interest for fans of Christian mystery/ suspense…” - Midwest Book Review

"I appreciate how Bogdon didn’t just insert superficial Bible verses to give the book a Christian flavor. Their presence in the story are thoughtful, practical to the situation, and essential for the Exodus Team in their demon-busting adventure — those in the hotel and those inside their own hearts.
I really enjoyed getting to know the characters in this story, which in many ways reminded me of the Hardy Boys mysteries I read as a kid. I appreciate how Bogdon made the characters feel real, not sanitized. I wanted to know more about them...
The author gets your heart racing…vivid descriptions that put you right there with the characters. If you are concerned that demon busting sounds a little too out there for a good Christian read, don’t be…" ChristianBookFinds.com

“I especially love the way that Maj, Aimee, and Kevin use their strong biblical knowledge, prayer, and spiritual gifts to decide on their course of action…This new adult adventure takes scripture in real and exciting directions and shows the power of The Holy Spirit.” - Bonnie Reads and Writes

"Though this is a fictional account, it is one overflowing with Scripture and one that I believe will encourage you to open your Bible and learn more about the battle we face and how we as Christians are to fight it.” - reading.in.azaleawoods