Extinction Warrior

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
248 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Extinction Warrior is a young adult sci-fi adventure novel by Susan B. Wile. Having grown up living in the remote small town of Wales in Alaska, twelve-year-old Luki Sloan possesses the unique ability to communicate with animals. Her parents are scientists/detectives working for the WEAPP. But when they go missing while investigating the infamous international animal trafficking group Red Dragons, Luki must devise an ingenious plan soon. With her ever-loyal pet arctic fox Mig and the futuristic android Tuk, Luki sets off on a world tour, collecting various endangered animals to use as bait to infiltrate the Red Dragons. However, things rarely go according to plan, and the White Wolf, leader of the Red Dragons, is a formidable opponent alongside his android henchman, the Big Bear. Will Luki be able to rescue her parents and the endangered animals?

Hop on for an exciting sci-fi adventure featuring futuristic androids and a varied cast of endangered animals with Extinction Warrior. Author Susan B. Wile weaves a fast-paced plot full of action, humor, and intrigue, complemented by some absorbing character work that keeps you hooked. The narrative tone reminded me of the hit Hollywood movie franchise Spy Kids. Luki is a protagonist who is a blast to follow. Her ability to form an instant connection with animals makes you want to root for her. I also enjoyed the characters of Tuk and Mig. All in all, an entertaining sci-fi adventure with an important message about protecting endangered species.