Face to Face with Santa Claus

Children - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Face to Face with Santa Claus by T.J. Gram answers many questions that people have about Santa. He took over after the death of his father. The Claus family members live long lives, maybe due to the clean air in the North Pole, and travel very fast with reindeer that can fly and see even when the weather is bad. Santa also mentions that all the toys are made early. Santa also celebrates Christmas, like most of us, with lots of food, but they do not exchange gifts. Delivering gifts around the world is a hard job, and Santa confesses he has, on occasion, been caught delivering gifts. He also confirms there is a naughty list, but he prefers kids to have good behavior. Santa also tells how he met his wife, who was the first to turn candy from sweet to sour.

Face to Face with Santa Claus by T.J. Gram is wonderfully written and will resonate with audiences, especially kids who are curious about Santa and the Christmas festivities. Many readers, especially those with kids, will also appreciate the themes covered and how the book encourages good behavior. Gram also ensured that the language used was easy to understand, which made the work accessible to all kinds of readers and effective in passing on the intended message. This was an amazing story, and I look forward to more by Gram.

Face to Face with Santa Claus was narrated by Phillip Freeman and Michelle Ochitwa, and they did not disappoint. They did not just read the book but brought the characters to life by using appropriate voice changes. They also used the right intonations, which made the story interesting. The background music added to the overall beauty of this wonderful work.