False Haven

Young Adult - Thriller
274 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

False Haven by Rebecca Rook is a young adult thriller that follows Vivienne Barston, a seventeen-year-old grappling with her mother’s death and her father’s emotional withdrawal. After a terrifying experience in juvenile detention, Viv agrees to a court-mandated service project in the rural Oregon woods, hoping to repair her life. Along with a group of troubled peers, she arrives at Grafton Stake, an abandoned asylum with a dark history. As strange and haunting occurrences unfold, Viv must confront the eerie past of the asylum and her own emotional demons, while striving for redemption and a second chance at life.

Author Rebecca Rook excels at creating deeply flawed yet relatable characters, thanks to a keen sense of detail in the narration and description of every thought and movement of her hero. Vivienne’s emotional turmoil and her journey toward healing are so emotionally raw and powerful, allowing readers to sympathize with her struggles and growth as the darkness of the setting around her intensifies. Rook utilizes the eerie former asylum to deliver a chilling and suspenseful atmosphere that leaves plenty of horrors to the imagination. Combined with the mysterious, sudden happenings of the plot, this keeps readers on edge and always looking over their shoulders for the next thrill. I was also really impressed with the weight and seriousness of the underlying themes of loss, guilt, and redemption, which were handled with care and offered something deeper and more significant than the typical young adult thriller. Overall, False Haven is a well-paced and utterly thrilling read with accomplished emotional drama, and I highly recommend it.