Find Your Way Back

Romance - Historical
270 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kimberlee J Benart for Readers' Favorite

Find Your Way Back by Laura Mills is a historical romance set in Sitka in the late 1800s. After 18-year-old Michael moved away with his family to a different town in Washington Territory, promising to return to Leah, his 16-year-old romantic interest, Leah heard nothing from him for eight years; not even one letter. They encounter each other unexpectedly in Alaska when Leah visits with her father and discovers that Michael is living there with a little girl. She assumes that the child’s absent mother was why he never returned. Little could she guess the shocking truth about the child’s parentage. Despite Michael failing her before, can the spark of attraction that Leah still feels for him become the vibrant flame of family love they both want?

In Find Your Way Back, Laura Mills gives us a dramatic and engaging story that offers a surprising plot twist. The narrative moves at a good pace, unraveling Leah’s emotional knots as Michael reveals a secret that touches both their families. Leah and Michael are portrayed as imperfect characters with many good qualities that form the basis of their love and respect for each other. Leah’s father is a steadying influence for her and Michael as they navigate their way through an awkward situation. I appreciated Leah’s portrayal in assisting her father in his surveying business, something unusual for a woman at the time. If you enjoy a romance set in the rugged beauty of Alaska, Find Your Way Back may just be for you.