Finding Comfort

Book Two in Comfort and Joy series

Fiction - Womens
322 Pages
Reviewed on 09/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Finding Comfort by Kimberly Fish is Book Two in the Comfort and Joy series. Gloria Bachman is getting ready for her chocolate shop, Sweeties, to play its part alongside all the others in town in a popular travel and food show – great advertising, if nothing else. A severe storm, known as a Blue Norther by the Comfort locals, drenches Gloria’s party to welcome the film crew. Could this be an omen? The next day, the TV host’s body is found, and it’s down to Gloria to figure out who did it. Comfort is packed with suspects, and she doesn’t really want to get involved – she has other things on her mind or another person, at any rate. Mason Lassiter is back in town, and Gloria is keen to focus on him but an old 'frenemy' has appeared. The rainstorm was just the beginning, though, and things go from bad to worse as Gloria does her best to track down a killer. Is she putting herself in the killer’s crosshairs?

Although Finding Comfort by Kimberly Fish is part of a series, I found this easy to read as a standalone. That said, you’ll get a much better idea of who the characters are if you read the series in order. It was easy to get to know the main characters and I found them thoroughly likable and relatable. This story has a great plot that you can follow easily and is a really good mystery. But this isn’t just about solving a murder. It’s about entering the lives of these ordinary people living in an ordinary town and being made to feel welcome. Finding Comfort has plenty of twists and turns and an exciting plot that will keep you reading all the way through. You’ll even find yourself trying to follow the clues and solve the mystery yourself. Thoroughly enjoyable, and you'll want to read the rest of the series.