Flipping the Birdie

Romance - Comedy
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 08/28/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Flipping the Birdie by S.L. Woeppel is a refreshing romantic comedy that masterfully intertwines humor, romance, and sharp social commentary. The story revolves around Birdie Bowden, a fierce superheroine known as the Chicago Bird, who is as formidable in her strength and speed as she is notorious for her foul mouth and bad attitude. After a viral altercation with a local troublemaker, Birdie finds herself suspended from her heroic duties and sent to a small beachside town for therapy. Here, stripped of her superhero identity, Birdie must navigate life without her powers while confronting her inner demons. As she forms unlikely friendships, including with the prickly but handsome Aiden, Birdie begins to question her life choices and grapples with her desire for a more meaningful existence beyond her superhero persona. The novel opens with an entertaining and memorable scene at Wrigley Field, where Birdie is faced with an intoxicated baseball fan who would rather wait for the fire department than accept her help. The absurdity of the situation sets the tone for the book, as S.L. Woeppel masterfully blends humor and societal commentary.

Flipping the Birdie stands out in the romantic comedy genre due to its unique blend of lighthearted humor and insightful commentary on societal norms. S.L. Woeppel expertly crafts Birdie Bowden as a relatable and multi-dimensional protagonist, whose superhuman abilities are overshadowed by the very human struggles she faces—sexism, self-doubt, and the pressure to conform. The plot is engaging from the start, with Birdie’s suspension serving as a catalyst for her personal growth. The beachside setting provides a perfect backdrop for Birdie’s journey of self-discovery, where her interactions with the bubbly Evie and the brooding Aiden add depth and complexity to her character. The romance between Birdie and Aiden unfolds naturally, providing just the right mix of tension and sweetness without detracting from the broader themes. S.L. Woeppel’s witty dialogue and sharp banter highlight the absurdity of the situations Birdie faces, all while subtly critiquing the double standards women endure. Fans of romantic comedies will appreciate the novel’s fresh take on the genre, where a strong, independent heroine takes center stage in a story that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. Flipping the Birdie is a must-read for those seeking a novel that combines humor, heart, and a strong message of empowerment.

Priya Mathew

Flipping the Birdie by S. L. Woeppel is a contemporary romance with fantasy elements. Birdie Bowden, a short-tempered superhero with superspeed and incredible strength, also known as Chicago Bird, is suspended from her duties after a rescue goes viral for all the wrong reasons. Asked to attend therapy during her time off, Birdie visits Doctor Marly Evans, a psychiatrist in Grove, a beach community in Chicago. There, she runs across bubbly Evie, and her grumpy brother Aiden Anders, who manage the beach cabins. Roped into staying at Grove for the duration of her suspension by Evie, Birdie decides to help clean the beach cabins for the Anders siblings. As she re-evaluates her life during therapy, she starts connecting with her new surroundings and people, especially Aiden, despite their constant friction. However, past experiences have hardened Birdie to close off her heart to others and a normal existence. Will the new relationship stand the test of truth?

Birdie’s struggle to be a female superhero in a male-dominated society, dealing with bureaucratic hurdles, sexism, and the fickle nature of the public, really hooked me to Flipping the Birdie in the first chapter. S. L. Woeppel's narrative is descriptive and uses candid dialogues to help create a sense of place and character. Narrated from Birdie’s perspective, the tone of voice is slightly cynical, mixed with a blend of humor and sarcasm. Flashbacks and internal monologues are used to add depth to Birdie’s character, helping us take a peek into her past and current struggles. Birdie is portrayed well; she has her strengths but also vulnerabilities, and we see her growth in the story. Evie and Jace are shown as steadfast friends, while Aiden represents the acceptance that Birdie is searching for and the possibility of romantic love. Although there are moments of action, the pace is steady overall, taking time to build up emotional stakes, allowing me to connect with Birdie’s experiences and feelings. Although love and friendship are central to the story, Flipping the Birdie also explores themes of self-acceptance and Birdie’s journey of embracing her power and worth.

Steven Robson

Flipping the Birdie by S. L. Woeppel is Bernadette (Birdie) Bowden’s tale; a superheroine with an attitude that does not always work in her favor. An attitude shaped by rejection, poorly defined expectations, and just plain self-doubt, which often places her at odds with those in authority. When this conflict comes to a head, she is forced to take time out to re-evaluate her position in life and how she wants to fit in a world that seems more and more difficult to navigate. In this discovery process, she will meet two people who ultimately define her future in ways she never thought possible: Aiden and Evie Anders. To find out what that future looks like, readers will be captivated by the evolution of Birdie's path to discovery. This journey is not only compelling but very real, touching feelings and emotions we can all relate to closely; a journey that cannot be taken without empathizing with the characters involved.

S. L. Woeppel’s Flipping the Birdie is a very easy-to-read story with a clear and well-structured plot and well-developed sub-plots. The story flowed at a good pace and was very close to reality as far as the feelings and actions of the characters were concerned, particularly those relating to Birdie, despite her abilities. I found the relationships she carried into this, as well as those developed later, were all painted in a way that readers could easily identify with. The character of Aiden was interesting to me; he came across as a hard man, difficult to get on with, and this was maintained for a nice period. Once he had formed into this mold, the transition to a more likable persona was handled very adeptly. Flipping the Birdie is a quality read I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone interested in real drama and romance.

Ruffina Oserio

Birdie is Chicago’s municipal superhero, gifted with superspeed, incredible strength, and a foul mouth. But when a mishap that goes awry leads to her suspension, she moves to a small beachside suburb for therapy, questioning everything she thought she knew about herself. Staying with the eccentric and bubbly housekeeper Evie, Birdie trades her heroism for cleaning cabins while doing her therapy. Evie’s grumpy yet irresistibly handsome brother, Aiden, tests her patience—and perhaps her heart. As Birdie faces the reality of her newfound feelings for Aiden and her identity, she must decide whether to embrace life beyond being a superhero or hide behind her formidable powers. Can genuine connection flourish beneath layers of misunderstandings and superhuman expectations? Flipping the Birdie by S. L. Woeppel is a slow yet steady romantic dance.

S. L. Woeppel's novel is a sharp and witty exploration of identity, vulnerability, and the often-unappreciated struggles of being a superhero. Through the character of Birdie Bowden, a superhero with phenomenal strength and speed, Woeppel examines the weight of societal expectations, particularly for women, and the struggle for self-acceptance. The opening scenes effectively capture Birdie's frustration with her reality: a minor incident involving a drunken fan at a baseball game showcases the paradox of her existence — she's an influential figure who nevertheless feels trapped in a public persona that is often ridiculed. The ensuing comedy of errors, particularly her interactions with her belittling superiors and the media, underscores women's challenges in environments dominated by traditional masculinity. Woeppel expertly combines humor with streams of consciousness, exemplified by Birdie's sarcastic remarks and inner dialogue, to create a winning romantic adventure. Flipping the Birdie has so much to offer, especially the uncanny way the author captures the ache of love, the authentic characters, and the beautiful prose. There is humor aplenty, and the narrative is never short of endearing drama.

Miche Arendse

Flipping the Birdie by S.L. Woeppel follows Birdie Bowden, a thirty-one-year-old superhero with a dazzling array of powers, including superspeed and incredible strength. While Birdie has a flawless record as Chicago’s municipal hero, her brash attitude and recent viral incident led the city’s mayor to suspend her. With her superhero career on hold, Birdie is sent to a small beachside suburb to undergo therapy, setting the stage for an unforgettable summer.

Flipping the Birdie by S.L. Woeppel reminded me of the movie Hancock with Birdie having a huge attitude problem despite being a decent superhero. Her personality ultimately becomes her greatest flaw and weakness. What I loved about this book was that element coupled with the almost enemies-to-lovers type romance she has with Aiden. It keeps you on your toes during every single chapter and it makes for an entertaining read. I found myself cackling at their various snarky interactions. Woeppel did a fantastic job of blending so many elements into the narrative without it being too much. There’s comedy, romance, intrigue, and even suspense at times and the characters are just lovable. The pacing and world-building were also really well done and I enjoyed reading about a female superhero for once instead of having some Superman wannabe. Overall, Flipping the Birdie was an absolute riot of a book and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more books by this author in the future.

Kelli Sindt

Oh my goodness! Where to start? I'll start with the title....I can't remember another book that was more perfectly titled! So clever!

I have to admit, the identity of the main character made me a little afraid that I wouldn't enjoy this book. Supers aren't usually my cup of tea. HOWEVER, I am so glad I stuck it out! Birdie was a hoot! The author's ability of develop her character was incredible! I felt like I have known her my entire life. Actually, I felt like I was her when she was in her more awkward and brazen moments...minus the super part. I am but a normal and boring human. She was quirky, funny, spirited, sassy, and so much more! I loved how she was able to work through her own issues and find her true self throughout the book, with a few hiccups along the way (most of which were pretty hilarious!).

Evie....oh sweet, somewhat crazy Evie! We all need a friend like Evie! She was the BEST!!! For her to overcome her own issues and setbacks in life and come out the other end was inspiring and heartwarming.

Overall, a really great book! If you aren't into spice,