Freeda's Beads of Joy

Children - Concept
29 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Freeda's Beads of Joy by Sarah Jane Conklin is a children’s picture book that tells the story of Freeda, an exuberant woman who adores beading and uses it to recollect wonderful memories and connect to the world around her. One day, she meets a little girl and her mother from her neighborhood, and they inquire about her radiant beads. Freeda gleefully shows them her strands of beads, each representing a cherished memory or experience. She shares how connecting the colorful beads brings her joy, just as she finds happiness in connecting with nature and people. She eventually invites them to her home to hear the stories behind each strand of beads.

Freeda's Beads of Joy is a heartwarming story that celebrates the joy of connection and storytelling. Freeda is a fun character that many readers will fall in love with. Her love for nature, people, and memories teaches us that even the smallest objects can hold significant meaning and stories. The story also shows the importance of sharing experiences and creating lasting memories with others. Sarah Jane Conklin's use of rhyming sentences adds a lively and upbeat tone to the narration, capturing the themes of joy and celebration in her book. The rhymes are clever and catchy, making the story fun and engaging for readers of all ages. The vibrant illustrations and unique features add an extra layer of charm to the story, making it a visually appealing read. The use of colorful beads to create the page borders is a creative and eye-catching touch that adds to the overall aesthetic appeal. I enjoyed reading this book and recommend sharing it with your kids to teach them to be joyful and embrace wonderful memories.