Frozen Conquest

Fiction - Action
350 Pages
Reviewed on 08/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

Everything comes at a price. And whatever eighty-year-old Walter Brown, one of the world’s richest men and the CEO of Diablo Corporation, a privately owned company, was after had a high price. Brown anonymously gives an ultimatum to the G7 from a secure Diablo Corps location in Antarctica. They either bend to his demands or he will wreak havoc in financial markets, the banking industry, and public infrastructure in the leading economies. He even launches a few attacks to demonstrate his resources' might and the seriousness of his demands. Bedlam, a Quick Reaction Force, is tasked with tracking the mastermind behind the threats and neutralizing them before it’s too late. Armed with subtle clues from double-dealing Diablo Corps insiders, and with the help of the Scandinavian Protection Agency, will Bedlam save the world from the looming disaster? Find out in Randall Krzak’s Frozen Conquest.

If you are looking for an espionage and military thriller, check out Randall Krzak’s Frozen Conquest. Krzak slowly unfolds the storyline, treating readers to suspense, action, thrills, plot twists, and so much more. The vivid depictions of the scenes made reading this book feel like watching a Hollywood military and espionage movie. I was hurled into a world of hackers, operatives, blackmail, money, power, greed, and cold-blood murder. Krzak aggressively brings out the cast’s emotions and complex traits, allowing me to connect with them. Brown is one of those characters who quickly wins a place in your heart as a worthy villain. Business savvy, ruthless, narcissistic, daringly diabolical, and with an arrogance only rivaled by his riches, or perhaps his uncanny ability to turn the noblest of courses into a self-serving campaign, Brown does not seem to care about who he hurts along his way to grabbing more power and wealth.