Getting Ready for My Tonsil Surgery

Tonsils Book for Kids – Preparation and Recovery

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 09/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Getting Ready for My Tonsil Surgery: Tonsils Book for Kids – Preparation and Recovery by Fei Zheng-Ward is an educational picture book to help children prepare for tonsil surgery. The book explains what tonsils are and how they can get sick before talking children through what to do when their tonsils are poorly. Children are then walked through what to expect if their doctor decides they need to have their tonsils removed and what to do after surgery. With plenty of interactive elements, this is a fun way for children to learn.

Getting Ready for My Tonsil Surgery is another amazing storybook by clinical anesthesiologist Fei Zheng-Ward with illustrations by Moch. Fajar Shoburu. Tonsil surgery can be a terrifying prospect for young children, and this story seeks to make it easier for them. It explains in simple terms what tonsils are and when a doctor might need to recommend they be taken out. It also explains the surgery in a fun way and includes lots of questions and other elements for children. This interactivity helps them become more involved and understand the process better. Dr. Zheng-Ward also helps them understand what to expect after the surgery and what they should do to speed up recovery and help themselves feel better. I hope there are more books like this for children; these are written in simple language that anyone can follow and are an invaluable guide for children to understand what to expect. This is a book that parents and kids can read together to help them both prepare for what lies ahead. Wonderful book, highly recommended for all kids and parents.