God's Colonel

An End Times Christian Novel

Christian - Thriller
206 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

America is no more. A series of artificial and natural disasters left the country on the edge of chaos. The New Roma Government is a force to be reckoned with on the continent as they try to restore their version of law and order. Emit Dross finds himself in the middle of this commotion; he acquires another man's identity and, by sleight of hand and brave actions, gets to control a garrison of the New Roma's standing army: the Global Security Forces. Emit's good deeds eventually haunt him when he begins piecing together the true motive behind these supposed saviors' actions. The young man must choose where he stands when he discovers the price for stability in D.I. Telbat's God's Colonel.

D.I. Telbat masterfully weaves a tale of suspense, hinting at an extinction-level event unfolding in America without explicitly stating it. These subtle references leave readers on the edge of their seats, eager to piece together the intricate details behind how things came to be so bad. The character development is exceptional. Emit's heroic actions at the civilian blockade paint him as someone who wishes to avoid needless violence at all costs, even going so far as to justify the New Roma government's initiatives in a way that will make readers reflect deeply on what they would do in his position. The way Telbat portrays the mark of the beast is remarkable; a digital interpretation that is believable and dramatic in contrast to popular culture. His delivery also begs the question of whether or not his concepts are already in use. His skillful portrayal of contemporary, flawed martyrs striving to do good makes for realistic dialogue between the characters, with whom readers will readily connect. God's Colonel has the most compelling end-of-the-world narrative I have ever read, thanks to Telbat's masterful storytelling and deliberate pacing. A masterpiece from a gifted writer.