Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida

America's Most Unusual School

Non-Fiction - Education
382 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2024
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Author Biography

Jack Dancer is like a human pinball, bouncing through life with all the finesse of a drunk elephant. Born with a silver spoon (which he quickly pawned for beer money), Jack’s seen it all—from the gutter to the penthouse, sometimes in the same week.

By 11, he realized Santa was just Dad with better marketing. At 13, he discovered girls weren’t icky. By 14, God seemed as real as his dreams of becoming a pro yodeler.

At 16, high on hormones and low on common sense, Jack and a trio of teenage dreamers headed for New York. Instead of fame, they found themselves living in a basement with a wino until Jack’s dad dragged him back home.

Lesson learned? Hardly. It was just the opening chapter in Jack’s “How to Piss Off Authority” guide.

By 18, he’d landed at a Florida school for sociopaths, which earned him a “get out of Vietnam” pass. He hitched to Boston with a new wife and cat, dove into the counterculture, and worked as a welder for a defense contractor. Life’s full of contradictions.

Jack’s resume reads like a drunk’s dartboard: ice cream man, boardwalk barker, welder, snake oil salesman—sorry, advertising executive.

He’s been married four times (one lasted 28 years, one was a hiccup), and fatherhood taught him that kids are like tattoos on your face—seemed like a good idea at the time.

In Jack’s world, life’s simple: no sequel, no refunds.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Jack Dancer’s Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida: America’s Most Unusual School offers a riveting and eye-opening exploration of a radical educational experiment that dared to defy conventional norms in mid-20th century America. At its core, this book is a homage to a unique school and its visionary founder, Reverend George von Hilsheimer, who sought to create an environment where individual freedom, creativity, and human dignity could flourish. Inspired by A.S. Neill's Summerhill School, Green Valley aimed to be a beacon for free education. The strength of the narrative lies in Dancer’s detailed portrayal of Reverend George, who was equally inspiring and controversial. His complex persona—an ordained preacher by age 14—sets the tone for the institution he created: idealistic, daring, and, at times, chaotic.

Dancer doesn’t shy away from the darker side of this story, either. Through an impressive array of research, including interviews, court documents, and media coverage, he exposes how Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida, became a target of governmental and political forces that couldn’t understand or tolerate its nontraditional methods. The most gripping sections of the book recount the lengths to which the opposition went, culminating in a sensationalized trial designed to crush the school's influence. This book is an engaging read for those interested in education, history, or stories of rebellion against the status quo. It prompts us to consider the challenges faced by those who dare to think differently and the enduring impact of their efforts, making it a relevant read. The Reverend George’s quotes really put into perspective life in the 1960s and 70s. I enjoyed this book tremendously.

Lucinda E Clarke

In 1974 the doors closed on Green Valley School, Florida, as author Jack Dancer explains. It was originally launched in New York but moved to Florida after interference from the authorities. Green Valley was a school with a difference. It was the place where delinquent, deviant, drug-addicted, disturbed, and mentally challenged children would be accepted. The fees were high, $16,000 a year, but it was also a haven for young people. They took in kids no one else wanted. Many were from mental homes, some had broken the law, and others were totally out of control. The author explains the daily running of the school and then relates the Senate hearings led by authorities who were determined to close down the school. There were complaints about the conditions, the forms of punishment, and the lack of formal education with arguments on both sides. It was seen as a witch hunt, led by powerful people who saw this as a way forward to climbing the political ladder. On one hand, it was described as a kangaroo court; on the other due to the media, it was an expose of cruelty to children.

Reading Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida by Jack Dancer, you are left uncertain about which side of the scenario to favor. There was such a media frenzy, with misleading headlines. There was an illegal raid that confiscated articles of torture. Were they used? We are given both sides of the story. Modeled on the 125-year-old Summerhill School in the UK, pupils were free to choose their own educational and personal growth. I could not make up my mind whether I felt for the staff or condemned them but they were dealing with children who were mostly out of control. It was described as a school so far ahead of its time, an establishment so far out of the mainstream of the usual American education. George Edwin von Hilsheimer III, the founder, was a charismatic character who stepped over the boundaries, but as the reader, you can’t help feeling outraged at the way the authorities behaved. The school closed after three years and after three attempts to have it shut down. A very interesting read. I’m so glad I read this book, and if you are curious about how unfair authority can be, then I recommend you put this one on your reading list.

Luwi Nyakansaila

Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida: America's Most Unusual School by Jack Dancer explores the transformative journey of Green Valley School. Initially known as Summerlane Camp, the school was founded by Reverend George in Orange City, Florida. It was established in response to the tumultuous social climate of the Vietnam War, civil rights upheaval, and governmental authoritarianism. The school aimed to create an alternative learning environment that emphasized progressive values and inclusivity. Despite facing opposition from locally racist sentiments, the school championed a learning model inspired by A.S. Neill's Summerhill and Homer Lane's Little Commonwealth School. This model prioritized student autonomy, experiential learning, and emotional well-being over traditional methods. The school aimed to nurture troubled children with behavioral issues through innovative teaching methods, fostering a community where students were trusted to shape their own educational experiences. Its innovative practices, such as unorthodox punishments and open sex education, invited scrutiny. This ultimately led to a raid that aimed to expose alleged abuses but resulted in a debate over education, student safety, political motives, and school staff qualifications.

Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida by Jack Dancer is a tribute to the school's bold ideals and is a compelling narrative about the power of unconventional educational practices. The book offers an in-depth exploration of the school's innovative approaches, detailing its successes and challenges while incorporating vivid narratives that highlight the institution's influence on students and the wider educational community. Enhanced by the author's easy narration and accessible storytelling, alongside compelling student and school photos, the work is grounded in extensive research, including Senate Hearings minutes and various news reports. This provides a rich and multifaceted perspective on the school and the impact of the raids. Overall, this is an intriguing story that will spark readers' interest in the Green Valley School's methods and the current trajectory of our education systems.

Doreen Chombu

Green Valley School, under the visionary leadership of Reverend George von Hilsheimer, emerged as a radical educational experiment in Orange City, Florida, inspired by progressive models like Summerhill School in England. Emphasizing independence, creativity, and a child-centered approach, it championed a curriculum devoid of traditional constraints, allowing students to steer their learning through firsthand experiences and open discussions. Despite facing fierce opposition fuelled by societal prejudice and political machinations, including attempts to portray the school as abusive, Green Valley stood as a beacon of resilience. It exemplified a revolutionary vision of education that prioritized human dignity and personal freedom over conformity. Jack Dancer's Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida: America's Most Unusual School offers a captivating glimpse into this unique chapter in American educational history. He shares his personal experience at the school’s camp, the institution's history, and the Rape of Green Valley school that led to eye-opening senate hearings.

Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida is an intriguing book that shows the innovative and courageous educational philosophy of this school. Through Jack Dancer's insightful narratives, readers gain an understanding of the school's unconventional approach, and the lasting impact of its commitment to individuality and freedom in education. The author candidly reveals the mistakes that occurred in this unorthodox setting, presenting a balanced perspective on the challenges and successes of the school's mission. Dancer's reflections emphasize the importance of addressing the unique needs of each student and initiating a broader conversation about the potential for reform in educational systems nationwide. The book ultimately champions the idea that creating a supportive and adaptive learning environment can bring about significant changes in the lives of students who have often been overlooked in traditional educational frameworks. The conversational tone makes it engaging and easy to follow. It also includes photos that enhance the narrative, providing a visual context for the reader. Overall, this enlightening read will inspire educators, policymakers, and anyone interested in educational reform to reconsider how schools can better serve diverse student populations, highlighting the profound impact that empathy-driven and individualized approaches can have on learning and personal growth.

K.C. Finn

Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida: America's Most Unusual School by Jack Dancer is a non-fiction exploration of the pioneering and controversial Green Valley School, rooted in the free school movement of the late 1960s. Founded by Reverend George von Hilsheimer, the school championed individual freedom and creativity, drawing both admiration and intense opposition. Through thorough research, Dancer unveils the school's struggle against political and bureaucratic forces that sought to shut it down, revealing a gripping narrative of educational rebellion. Dancer's meticulous research is on top form in this highly informative and interesting work, with a wealth of detailed history providing a well-documented and compelling account of a revolutionary educational experiment. The work goes beyond simple facts and figures, however, delving into the personalities and spirit of those who laid the foundations for the school and its unusual approach.

The author’s confident, vibrant narrative style brings to life the complex figure of Reverend George von Hilsheimer, offering a balanced portrayal of his visionary yet controversial leadership and painting him with dynamic language that helps you really get a sense of his attitude and ethos. Jack Dancer's narrative captures the tension and drama surrounding Green Valley School in the way that a novel might build suspense, making the historical events feel immediate and engaging as we get deeper into the struggles the school has faced. The exploration of educational freedom and its challenges is a deeply thought-provoking central theme that is sure to inform contemporary debates on the purpose and future of education in the USA and beyond. Overall, anyone with an interest in the subject should definitely grab a copy of Green Valley School, Orange City, Florida: America's Most Unusual School to learn more.