Grippy and Cormo's Magnet Activities

Children - Educational
42 Pages
Reviewed on 12/06/2019
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Amy Raines for Readers' Favorite

If you have ever wondered how to tell the difference between the North and South poles on a magnet or why they attract one way and repel another, Lois Wickstrom has broken the information down in this activity book, Grippy and Cormo's Magnet Activities. Each page contains both information about magnetism and/or step by step instructions to perform a scientific experiment using what you have learned. Ever wonder if you could see a magnetic field or how you would if you could? Ever wonder if any magnets have more than two poles or how to find out if they do? Can a compass always be trusted to aim due North? Just a few simple items and you can be on your way to finding out as you play with magnets and learn all they can do.

Grippy and Cormo’s Magnetic Activities by Lois Wickstrom is packed full of educational information about magnetic science and experiments that help reinforce the ideas through hands-on experience. I had a blast reading this book and will definitely be getting the materials together to perform the awesome activities. Wickstrom has gone the extra mile by making sure that every page has information that any kid could easily read and understand as well as adding images for visual references. I love how this book makes magnetic science so much fun. I recommend Grippy and Cormo’s Magnetic Activities to anyone interested in teaching kids about magnetism and how it works, especially elementary and middle school kids. This book would make a wonderful addition to any classroom’s curriculum, even for homeschooling families.