Hair on Fire

A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
232 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Hair on Fire: A Heartwarming & Humorous Christmas Memoir by Larada Horner-Miller is a perfect memoir full of warmth, laughter, and holiday spirit. The story covers the entire life of the author, starting from childhood to adulthood, when she wanders from one city to another. All the chapters focus on diverse aspects of the holiday season, ranging from family gatherings and tree decorations to private ponderings and spiritual experiences. The narrative is full of vivid details and memorable stories; for instance, one of them recounts when the author’s hair caught fire during a Christmas church program. The author uses her memoir to explain how people can look back on their Christmas memories and find joy and meaning in their lives.

Larada Horner-Miller’s writing style is warm and inspiring. Her desire to share the Christmas spirit with readers is felt throughout her writing as readers are transported from the past to the present. She conveys humor excellently with the occasional serious moment, making this memoir an enjoyable read. The flow of details through prose and poetry kept me engaged and connected to the author's experiences. Her descriptive writing skills took me back to my childhood schooldays when we used to decorate classrooms and sing carols together at Christmas. Her thoughtful and sincere interpretation of the religious significance of Christmas provides a diversion from the commercial aspects of the occasion. I highly recommend Hair on Fire for readers looking for a heartfelt and nostalgic book that captures the true spirit of Christmas.