Hart Street and Main


Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
354 Pages
Reviewed on 08/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Oblivion by Tabitha Sprunger is book three in the Hart Street and Main series, which begins when Skye, an ordinary teenager from Alfaro, faces unexpected changes during her senior year when she meets Olli, a foreign exchange student. A head injury reveals a magical Second World with royalty and sorcerers, challenging her understanding of reality. In Metamorphosis, months after her journey in the Second World with Olli, the future King of Humans, Skye faces new challenges: graduating high school and confronting dark magic. Fideleroi’s threats grow, and Skye must navigate danger and discover her true potential. Now, Skye grieves for her friend, envisioning future vengeance. With a kingdom in turmoil, Skye is crowned queen and faces threats from Rodinians and from within, where betrayals and loss make Skye’s support for the battle against Fideleroi’s army imminent.

"What you seek... It’s what those down below us will kill for and what they have killed for many centuries now." Tabitha Sprunger’s Hart Street and Main: Oblivion once again immerses readers in a deeply crafted fantasy world where, from the start, the weight of Skye’s guilt and self-awareness draw us in, making her bubble over with authenticity. Sprunger maintains a brisk, engaging pace by punching through multiple storylines and perspectives. I thought referencing the real da Vinci added great historical depth, blending real genius with supernatural consequences, especially when intertwined with another Melzi’s eternal suffering. The world-building is exceptional, featuring both the new and the familiar geography and magic systems, the standout to me being the vast underground caverns formed by natural streams and wells, which create a cinematic sense of place. Sprunger throws in the kitchen sink on every page, and the suspense is relentlessly brilliant. With clean writing and a clipping speed, this is the strongest fantasy ride in the series to date. Very highly recommended.