Haunter Grey - Escalation

Last Ark - Haunter Grey Book 5

Fiction - Science Fiction
463 Pages
Reviewed on 03/19/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Escalation is penned by author Ross C. Miller in the science fiction, adventure, and suspense genres, and is the fifth book in the Haunter Grey series. In this newest adventure in the series, Admiral Castor Efrata-Landeez collaborates with the Regian Council to expand their influence by capturing Unity fleets and bringing them to Regia. With the reopening of bulboar mines and shipments of a genetic modification stabilizer, Castor and his team plan to proactively track and intercept Unity fleets. However, as events accelerate, they face the immense challenge of preventing countless deaths across planets if they falter. This book culminates the Haunter Grey Evolution Trilogy and sets the stage for a new iteration to follow.

Author Ross C. Miller continues the momentum of his incredible worldbuilding to offer another thrilling read filled with tension and anticipation from cover to cover. I was immediately drawn into the pacing and twists of this new installment. The author really knows how to grip the reader’s attention with the urgency of Castor's mission and the high stakes should even the smallest thing go wrong. The detailed world-building and complex dynamics between the Regian Council and the Greys are as atmospherically rich and well-formed as I’ve come to expect from every work in this stellar series, making me feel invested in the world’s lore and political systems as if they were as real as our own. The exploration of themes like leadership, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of survival evokes a profound emotional response that smacks of the very essence of what it means to be sentient and alive, leaving me eagerly awaiting the new saga that is bound to unfold as a result of this adventure. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend Escalation and the Haunter Grey series in general to science fiction fans everywhere.

Tammy Ruggles

Haunter Grey - Escalation (Last Ark - Haunter Grey Book 5), by Ross C Miller, brings another engrossing and entertaining page-turner from this dynamic and prolific sci-fi author. This attention-grabbing storyteller captivates once again with Castor and his team, who are in a race against time, on this occasion for their lives and possibly the end. The Regian Council is now comprised of G-series Unity Lords, The Giannas, along with Admiral Efrata-Landeez, who has been bringing those Unity to Regia. The Council is at a point now that they are strong enough, and capable enough, to take more Unity, and hopefully at a faster pace than they used to. Again Castor and the Greys are trying to save lives, and this intriguing plot deals with genetic modification - specifically a stabilizing extract. Castor tries to make things easier, but obstacles keep arising, and everything is at stake.

In Haunter Grey - Escalation, Miller does not disappoint. The plot seems more complex and intricate when compared to some of the others, at least in this reviewer's opinion, but it's a chance to go deeper and broader into the wider universe of people, planets, and other forces at play. It's good to have Castor back again and watch how he handles the conflicts and challenges that arise. At times they seem insurmountable, and things happen that you can't always predict, but that's the fun part of this suspenseful and sometimes dark drama. As you read, lots of questions come to mind. What will happen to those caught in the crossfire? How will Castor lead them out of this one? One thing I do appreciate is that the author provides some history, which is important for those who may be new to the series, and refresher points for those who are already familiar with it. There is the promise of another book to come. You'll find thorough character-building, interesting dialogue, and close attention to detail - from the food that is eaten to intricate physical descriptions of the genetically modified. For fans of stories around genetic modification, survival, and interstellar conflict, let this masterful sci-fi writer take you on an unforgettable journey.

Pikasho Deka

The fifth book of the Last Ark series, Haunter Grey: Escalation, continues the story of Castor Efrata-Landeez, the Greys, and the Resistance. Written by Ross C. Miller, the book opens with Grimmer trying to come to terms with her newfound morality after her encounter with Aieea on Chitan. Admiral Castor Efrata-Landeez reinstates Grimmer, now known as Genine, as the captain of the Phantom while bringing the rehabilitated Giannas and his recovering sister, Suri McKinnah, back into the fold. Meanwhile, ships are being built at Saloh. With new allies, Castor and his friends find a way to locate Unity fleets. However, on a crucial mission at a Unity Station, the Resistance loses one of its most loyal fighters. Additionally, Gianna 01.1. makes the ultimate sacrifice.

Haunter Grey: Escalation brings closure to the storylines of some of the beloved characters of the Last Ark saga. Although relatively slower-paced and less action-packed than some of the previous installments, this book is far more intricately plotted and grander in scale than anything we've seen in this series so far. This novel introduces a few new characters to the series as the story becomes more epic than ever. One of the most impressive things about Ross C. Miller's storytelling is his use of backstories for the characters, which fleshes them out and gives readers a view into their perspectives and motives, and the author doesn't miss a beat in this one. The underlying Christian themes add gravitas to the narrative and raise the stakes of the tale. I found this book bittersweet and thought-provoking in equal measure. All in all, a fantastic book for sci-fi lovers.

Jamie Michele

Haunter Grey: Escalation by Ross C Miller is the fifth book in the epic space opera, Last Ark, Haunter Grey series. In a whirlwind of the first four books, Castor, imprisoned on Regia, learns to control "numbers" from a blind mentor. He joins Rabid, impresses Major Garrant, and becomes Rear Admiral of the titular ship. After destroying subhumans for 4,000 years, Castor and Gianna resist Unity, aiming to save Regia. They capture Unity fleets but also risk the Haunter Grey's destruction to reclaim it. In this installment, the Giannas, with Admiral Castor Efrata-Landeez, lead the Regian Council. Castor's fleet captures have expanded Regia, enabling frequent Unity receptions. Reopening bulboar mines allows Rf127 extract shipments. With tracking, Unity fleets are easily located, expediting Castor's missions. Any hesitation risks countless lives.

“Protect him. Protect him from himself. Protect the people he cares about. But live...” Haunter Grey: Escalation by Ross C Miller goes into an immediate ascent with a combination of trademark Miller emotional depth and dynamic action sequences, filling in backstory for new readers while pushing forward for the rest of us. I found the maneuvering against the formidable opponent that embodies the Fleet to be the best yet, with a full barrage of planning, technology, tactics, and personnel deployment. Miller's intelligent humor keeps going at full throttle, and Castor is still my favorite with lines like, "This really sounds like an exceptionally easy way to get us all killed. What is it that I’m missing?" Miller continues to incorporate Christian themes such as redemption, ethical dilemmas, faith, community, and spiritual growth to strengthen the arc and develop characters, intertwining theological concepts into his brilliant science fiction, proving that the two can be balanced and equally engrossing. Very highly recommended.

Asher Syed

In Haunter Grey: Escalation, Last Ark - Haunter Grey Book 5 by Ross C Miller, Admiral Castor Efrata-Landeez and the Giannas, who were originally G-series Unity Lords, are members of the Regian Council. The Council feels that Regia is a large and stable enough community to receive more Unity, especially as Castor continues to capture fleets and bring Unity members to Regia. They intend to resume shipping the Rf127 genetic modification stabilizing extract and reactivate the bulboar mines. By devising a means of tracking these containers, fleets of Unity will be easily located, and Castor and his Greys can get to them precisely when they want to. As these plans move forward, Castor and the Greys must move quickly.

Ross C. Miller dives straight back into the action in Haunter Grey: Escalation, demonstrating a high level of complexity in describing tactical operations with a believable understanding of military strategy as a necessity in a world designed by tactics, ship movements, and character actions. Impressively, Miller integrates high-spec world-building into the narrative without overwhelming the reader. The 'how' of Genine’s light-bender suit and its technology that is close to fantasy is explained smoothly alongside the history of Grimmer’s shuttle. It is enough to satiate the reader without going overboard. The theological symbolism is strong and the characters experience significant changes in their beliefs and allegiances, mirroring the concept of being 'born again' or undergoing a spiritual awakening. A change in one person's loyalty after being saved by Castor reflects this especially. Such a great read!

Paul Zietsman

Escalation is the fifth book in the Haunter Grey series by Ross C. Miller. With his wives Trillian and Moriah by his side, Admiral Castor Efrata-Landeez continues to battle and capture Unity fleets, taking them to Regia. The Giannas, formerly Unity Lords, who make up the Regian Council, assist the Admiral in his agenda to save people and their planets from the Unity. The Council communicates that they can receive more Unity members more often, and the Admiral can also go directly to where the Unity is. The Admiral also calls on planets and their leaders to help fight the Unity, as his ships can't be in more than one place at a time. Castor and the Greys are racing against time to save planets from ruin.
As with the previous books, Escalation features themes of space travel, genetic modification, artificial intelligence, and futuristic warfare. In Escalation, the characters I have come to know and formed a bond with continue their development. Although most of them share a common goal, it is refreshing to see how they each have their own stories and journeys. I especially enjoyed the bond between Castor, Trillian, and Moriah, which is one of love and devotion. There is an occasion where one of the characters, Grimmer, tells a hapless colleague not to dwell in self-pity and instead fight, even if that means fighting against the universe. It is in these instances that Ross C. Miller truly captures my attention, and the series goes beyond regular fiction. A stimulating storyline and complex characters make Haunter Grey: Escalation an absorbing and thrilling read.