
The Heartsmith Series Book 1

Young Adult - Horror
355 Pages
Reviewed on 09/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

Sixteen-year-old Aaren Lockett is a skilled tinker. He arrives in the industrial city of Rexanberg, hoping to start a new business. A wise man warns him to be careful in the big city. Aaren gets involved in a fight between the metropolis' powerful forces almost right away. He saves the life of a beautiful girl with unusual skin color. A masked stranger fatally wounds him. But Aaren comes back to life and gains the ability to heal others. He helps a girl named Sasha who came to his shop with her father's broken pocket watch. Sasha tells Aaren that someone steals dead bodies from morgues. She and her father, Derk, investigate these strange incidents. They are trying to find the body of Sasha's twin brother, Sebastian, who died two years ago. Aaren offers to help them explore the dangerous part of Rexanberg. Heartsmith by Stephanie Cotta, the first book in the Heartsmith series, will appeal to young adult fans of horror, fantasy, science fiction, and adventure prose.

Stephanie Cotta's Heartsmith is an exciting and captivating blend of multiple genres. Cotta offers a thought-provoking concept of the Contracts, which are beautiful and empathetic beings. The cruel inhabitants of Rexanberg's upper levels exploit their healing abilities. The author explores the topics of self-sacrifice and selflessness in depth. Cotta inspires young adult readers never to look away from the misery and pain of others. Among Aaren's many lovable features is his readiness to repair broken things, including human hearts. The author enriches the book with expressive illustrations. My favorite one is the touching portrait of a dog named Jazzy. The novel has dazzling adventures, a breakneck race between the skyscrapers, astonishing discoveries, a puzzling mystery of Aaren's past, and a gripping touch of the macabre. Lovers of steampunk will enjoy Cotta's imaginative prose and spectacular world-building.