Heroes of Janaan

The Science of Magic

Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
580 Pages
Reviewed on 09/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Heroes of Janaan: The Science of Magic by Sam Tate is a young adult urban fantasy novel set in the world of Janaan, where peace and an industrial revolution have brought about a new era of progress. Wizards and inventors merge magic with machinery, creating a rapidly changing world. As five young protagonists, Rostam, Amri, Namid, Ephorah, and Cyrus, come of age, they face the challenges of an uncertain future. However, this newfound peace is threatened as darker forces emerge, setting the stage for an epic struggle that blends myth and science.

Author Sam Tate has crafted a gorgeously rich magical world for young adult readers to leap right into, and it’s one of those truly immersive and detailed worlds where you can easily picture yourself adventuring alongside this vibrant cast. Tate’s diverse and well-rounded characters are brought to life with emotive and entertaining dialogue, and the growing relationships between them make their personal journeys as engaging as the overarching plot. The combination of technological and mythological factors gives the fantasy elements a unique edge that feels dynamic and modern, keeping a lot of the old fascination of traditional magical fantasy, but updating it in a way that young, tech-driven readers can relate to. Overall, Heroes of Janaan: The Science of Magic is a fascinating and well-penned novel that will certainly excite its target YA range, but I’d also recommend it to the modern fantasy audience in general for its brilliant worldbuilding, clever concepts, and immersive atmosphere.